Chapter 1

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Amelia's POV *

-Bunny wake up I miss you

I woke up immediately knowing what I was dreaming,my Mom always appears in my dreams saying that she miss me or love me I really don't know why but it give me chills

-Bug breakfast is ready *my dad said while coming in*
-k I'll be down in a minute

OK let's start my name is Amelia González I have short-long Brown-blonde hair and ocean green eyes I'm adopted but I really love my adoptive parents so there's no problems, I'm 14 years old and home schooled I'm a only child so I'm kinda spoiled but anyways once I changed I went down stairs to the dining room

-Morning bub how did you sleep *mom asked*
-Great just had a dream about why don't we *I'm a fan of why don't we I love them*
-Well baby there coming to town right *my dad said with a smirk*
-No no no your not buying me tickets for the concert
-To late we already did *my mom said while givvun me the ticket but I was shock it wasn't just any tiktok it was a Limelight*
-OMG! Mom dad I love you but you didn't have too
-No you deserve it you are a straight A student and really good daughter *my dad kissed the too of my head*

After breakfast I went to my room teal happy not wanting to wakeup if this is a dream the concert is in two days I can't believe it I'M GOING TO A WHY DON'T WE CONCERT if your wondering on what the limelight pass gives you well let me tell you it has tons of perks such as and early entry, merch discounts, follow by the boys meet and greet and just being able to hang out with them, and having one makes me feel lucky cause they only sell five for each concert, in a other note what I'm I going to wear, I started looking thru my closet looking for the best thing to wear until I came across my yellow cropped why don't we hoodie with some black skinny jeans and my white Nike shoes perfect

-I do not know what happened in here but clean it up before your mother comes *I looked over my shoulder to see my dad*
-K dad just panicked on what I was going to wear *I said while gathering my clothes*
-oh that reminds me *he Rea he'd in to his pocket and took out a necklace* here I got the last one bub *he gave me the necklace*
-It's a Seavey necklace thanks dad *I said while hugging him*
-welcome I knkw how you like him
-Dad actually my lane is Corbyn but  I don't mind *we both laughed*
-OK kiddo but ckena this mess that your mom will freak out *he left*

I quickly put on the necklace and ckena my room, I really can't believe that I'm going to a why don't we concert


-It today, the day is finally here!!! *I yelled while jumping on my bed*
-OK kiddo your mom and I are going to Walmart want to come or stay *My dad asked while coming in*
-I'll go just give me 10 minutes and I'll be down stairs
-I'll give you 5 so hurry *he said while closing the door*

I quickly change into the first thing I grabbed that was a pair of leggings and a 1/5 Besson jersey I put my hair in a messy bun and put my white converse on, I flew down stairs to see my dad and mom waiting
-4 minutes new record *my dad said while clapping*

We just laughed, once we got to Walmart we started buying food and random stuff

-Dad can I get some apple juice *I asked while holding his hand yes I still hold his hand and?? *
-Sure meet us where the cookies are *I nod* oh one last thing do you have your phone
-Yes dad I do *I started looking for the apple juice... Bingo found it I was about to head out when i completely froze making me drop the apple juice luckily it didn't broke
-Hey Sweety are you OK *I can't believe it ahhhhhh it's corbyn Besson*
-I-uhh I me a yes I'm fine sorry I just freaked out *I said while picking up the apple juice*
-Hey corbyn Hurry up *Jonah yelled*
-Hey I like your jersey where did you get it *he asked with a smirk*
-OK you should know your Corbyn Besson one of the band mates of Why dont we *I said with a bit of sass*
-OK then it was nice meeting you...
-Amelia but you can call me Lia
-OK Lia will you be coming to tonight's concert
-yes I am I'm really excited this is my first concert *I said happy*
-oh I see so you'll give me this back when I see you ok *he took off one of his necklace and putting it around my neck*
-yes and also before you leave can I take a picture with you
-of course *I unlock my phone and gave it to him he chuckled once he saw my background it's him obviously we took many pictures then he gave it back* Well Lia I looking forward to see you at the Concert
-me too

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