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author note: we love Da Vinci. Yes Carlos loved her. He just lied to Luca to protect himself and her.

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

3 days later...

I don't know why Da Vinci brought me to one of Lucas warehouses but as soon as I step in I see Carlos tied behind a chair with Luca standing next to him.

"What's going on?" I say and Carlos eyes slowly move up to look at me.

He looks worn out and tired as if he's been crying.

I stand about five feet away from them as Luca had a knife in his hand.

"Luca." I threaten and he just stares at me. I know what he's going to do now...

"Luca please I know I killed Marice but dont." I state.

"Just think about how stupid you're being."

"He's suppose to marry that Russian girl and you want to kill him?"

"No. The whole to plan was to take his life eventually. But you were naive and dumber then I thought. His fathers dead. His sisters dead. It's just him. That Russian princess will marry another guy. Don't worry he isn't an old rag but he's higher in ranking and it would be a good union. But for him. I don't know." Luca smiles looking down at Luca.

"Luca please." I breathe and try moving closer to him but I'm pulled back by someone.

Da Vinci.

His hands wrap around my wrists and hold my arms down. My back is pressed against his front and god he's strong.

"Luca no please." I feel tears just fall and he's taking pleasure in this.

"He never loved you let it go." Da Vinci states and I try pushing him off but his grip only gets tighter.

"Don't let him please Da Vinci." I cry.

"Luca." I yell as he puts the knife to his throat. I see Carlos eyes water as he just stares at me. Why isn't he even fighting it?

𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

"First tell her how everything you've said to her was a lie? " I whisper.

He stays quiet.


"Everything was a lie. He made me persue you to fall for me but I never moved you. Everything was fake." He admits and I smile as I see her dignity fade from her eyes.

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗


My eyes move to Luca and everything made perfect sense. He wanted to get me back for Marice.

And Da Vinci dropped hints. Oh my god...

"Luca. Dont." I try pushing Da Vinci off but he pulls me back.

𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

I push the knife into his heart as I just listen to her cries. Begging but she should've known better.

She just screams as I shoot him three times in the chest as she did to Marice.

I guess every love dies?

"She can burry the body herself." I state looking at Da Vinci and he lets her go.

I drop the gun and walk out the warehouse as Da Vinci follows me.

The whole ride he doesn't speak to me. He knew how things would go down and he's gotten close to Odina as if she was his sister. He had a sister. And I know Odina reminds him of her. They were so similar. But then she got murdered when she was twelve. He doesn't talk about it.

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