Chapter 16: Case on Deck

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Kensi is panicking and crying on the bed, while Deeks calls Hetty and the team, telling them to collect all the footage from around the streets to track down Kessler- AGAIN. He sends Nell a picture of the note that Kessler had left for the pair, and Hetty calls everyone to ops STAT to go through the emergency, while Kensi and Deeks stay in the safe house, yet again packing up all their belongings and getting ready to move again.

Kensi insists that she goes with Deeks to ops (even though her leave isn't over yet and if she returns she has to find a babysitter for Athena, which is a very risky thing to do right now anyway), so they both head up as quickly as they can after packing everything away.

When they get to ops, Kensi and Deeks tell everyone what they got, and Fatima pulls up footage from a cctv camera from the house across the street, confirming that it was indeed Kessler, and that he broke the lock on the box to turn off the alarm ...

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When they get to ops, Kensi and Deeks tell everyone what they got, and Fatima pulls up footage from a cctv camera from the house across the street, confirming that it was indeed Kessler, and that he broke the lock on the box to turn off the alarm before entering the house. Kensi and Deeks both panic, while Eric and Nell are trying their best to find out where Kessler had taken Athena.

D: "Eric hurry up!!! TIME IS RUNNING OUT!"
E: "I'm going as fast as I can guys!"
N: "hold on- I think I found something.... this camera from the local shop caught Kessler driving away in a black SUV towards the south coast, but he drives into a zone where there aren't any cameras"
K: "I'm going there"
H: "Mrs Blye, we must find out where he actually is before you proceed to go out on your own. He is a danger to you"
G: "I suggest you quieten down Agent Blye"
Kensi laughs in sarcasm and runs off downstairs to grab her bags, while Deeks gets mad.
D: "excuse me!? I honestly don't care what happens to me personally, but as long as I go and get my kid and bring her back is what matters to me the most. I don't CARE what you all have to say about this but me and MY WIFE are going to find them!! And Kessler will PAY"

 I don't CARE what you all have to say about this but me and MY WIFE are going to find them!! And Kessler will PAY"

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Deeks runs off with Kensi downstairs and grab their car to drive off to go and find Kessler and Athena. They remove the cars tracker, as well as crushing their comms, and drive down to the south coast, Deeks grabs his gun and is prepared for anything to happen. Kensi goes around asking if they had seen a man that looked like the picture she was showing them, but there was no luck. They returned to their car, drove back to NCIS and down to the armoury as sneakily as possible, grabbing as much ammo and weapons as they could.

Meanwhile in ops, Agent Rountree is introduced to the team.
H: "FBI Agent Rountree, this is Agent Hanna, Agent Callen, Agent Namazi, *Rountree stopped and smiled with a glance at her* Tech Operator Beale and Analyst Jones"
R: "uhh, hey, nice to meet you guys"
H: "Agent Rountree will be helping us on this case and will be going undercover as a prison inmate at the same prison David Kessler was in, to try to find out any information he can about Kesslers plan. I've already briefed Agent Rountree on this, so chop chop!"

Sam and Callen head to Kensi and Deeks' safe house to try to find any evidence such as fingerprints, while Fatima, Eric and Nell try to track down Kensi and Deeks.
F: "have you got them yet?"
E: "no, it seems like they've taken out their batteries of their phones, and I can't locate their car or comms either."
N: "I've looked on local cameras, and I can't even find their car anywhere, or themselves"
F: "they've gone rogue....."

All three of them start to look very concerned, while Hetty stirs up a plan for Rountree in prison. Granger goes undercover as a prison guard, and him and Rountree head to County to go and find info.
G: *chucks Rountree in a cell with some weirdos* "get in there you bastard"
R: "woah woah woah easy with the handling yeah? *turns to cellmates* Wassup fellas"
The cellmates all look at eachother before turning to Rountree, and welcoming him into their little cell. A few hours pass by, and they're all having a chat and talking about how they got in.

At the safe house, Sam and Callen are searching around the house and inside to try to spot any kind of evidence that Kessler was in their house.
S: "Ay G?"
C: "Yeah?"
S: "check out the floor. Shoe marks. Looks like some kind of sneakers, maybe converse"
C: "I'll send a picture to ops. Eric, I've sent you a photo of some sneaker marks on the floor"
E: "on it"
Sam and Callen continue hunting, but all they could find was a lock cutter sat outside.
C: "Sam? Looks like someone cut the lock"
S: "pretty neat too. Must have skills, and was probably wearing gloves because there aren't any fingerprints on them"

 Must have skills, and was probably wearing gloves because there aren't any fingerprints on them"

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Back elsewhere, Kensi and Deeks are still struggling to find Kessler.
D: "have you uh... have you found anything here?"
K: "no, no I haven't... all I found were these tire marks but if he was driving an SUV they'd be much bigger, these are bike tracks"
D: "right..."
Kensi stands up crying and falls into Deeks's arms.
K: "why does this have to happen to us...?"
D: *also crying* "I know baby. After everything we have been through..."
K: "it's what we've got left..."
D: "listen. We are going to find her okay, I promise. and we are going to give that man what he deserves alright?"
Kensi and Deeks get back to work, trying to spot some clues. Just as they'd lost all hope, they found a trail of some sneaker shoe marks on the muddy sidewalk, so they drove in that direction.

In county prison, Rountree had managed to settle in pretty well.
R: "so you guys think it's alright here huh?"
Criminal 1: "oh no way dude, this place is like hell!"
Criminal 2: "the last dude that was in here was insane! He was a proper weirdo, he was"
R: *scratches ear and turns on his com so ops can hear* "who was he?"
C1: "honestly dude, he said his name was Kessler or something like that, he was a maniac"
C2: *turning to his cellmate* "wait, didn't he say something like he was gonna go kidnap someone?"
C1: "OH YEAH! He was totally obsessed with this woman he met a long time ago"
*rountree just listening*
C2: "bro, what if like, he kidnaps her kid and takes it to that little house thingy he was talking about near the south coast!?"
*rountree interrupting*
R: "wait guys!? Is this for real!? This guy sounds mad..."
C1: "oh when we mean mad, we mean MAD."
R: "do you guys know where he is?"
C2: "he didn't mention but all we know is that he was going to get transferred but we ain't seen the guy since"
R: "oh..."
*back in ops*
F: "thanks Rountree, we've got the information. Eric is just looking up the information and Nell is searching kaleidoscope for the hut by the south coast. Nice work"

Soon after, Callen and Sam return to ops with no new information, but with everyone looking worried, something was wrong

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Soon after, Callen and Sam return to ops with no new information, but with everyone looking worried, something was wrong. very wrong.

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