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Everyone was in the choir room, Rachel standing in the centre as she talked to the group. "So, Kurt and Blaine and I are throwing an anti-prom party." She said happily.

"What's an anti-prom party?" Mercedes asked, an eyebrow raised as she looked at Rachel.

"It's a party for those of us who maybe feel a little, you know, disenfranchised by the actual prom. And I got us a hotel room at Lima's best hotel, Red Rooster Express Suite, and everyone's invited." People gave her looks of disbelief as she excitedly talked, Quinn looking to Finn.

"You're supporting this?" She asked.

"I'm supporting her, and I'll be there as soon as I'm done fulfilling my obligations." Finn said to the group- more specifically to Quinn.

"The mood will be celebratory, the food will be catered, the libations will be plentiful, and the dress code will be creative black tie." Kurt stated.

Rachel stopped him, hushing him at the same time. "Optional, optional, optional. And keeping up with the anti-prom theme, everyone is welcome, and unlike the actual prom, which ends at 11:00 p.m., ours goes until the wee hours of the night. It's where the fun's at, you guys." Rachel said, grinning.

Marina looked to Rachel, offended. "What about your dress?" Rachel shrugged.

"The dress we spent days on. We made your dress from blood, sweat, and literal tears and people aren't even going to see it?" Arabella scoffed.

"I hope to be seeing the rest of our dresses at prom." Marina said, an edge to her tone.

Santana seemed to agree. "Okay, how is everyone welcome when this is clearly just a party for you and the two gay Winklevii twins?"

"Actually, Santana, we've invited most of McKinley's underclassmen." Rachel said slyly.

"We're underclassmen." Arabella stated blandly. "You didn't invite us."

"I'm in." Puck immediately agreed after finding out about the underclassmen.

"But what about your tradition of trying to spike Coach Sylvester's punch bowl? I almost lost my teeth for it last time." Artie asked as Puck stood, moving to stand near Rachel.

The boy shrugged. "It's impossible. Plus, it's a bummer, always failing at everything." He then threw his hands into the air, leaving the room.

Santana spoke up again. "Can we just talk about what this really is? Rachel Berry isn't getting her way, so she's punishing the rest of us."

Rachel shook her head in denial. "Santana, that's not the case at all."

"Stop acting like you're fine and start dealing with your crap. Look, you choked at your big audition. I get it. I'm sorry, but it happens. And I understand that you're pissed off at the universe but imploding on one of the last nights that we have to spend together because, basically, you're just not in the mood to dance is maybe the pettiest thing you have ever done. So have fun at your 'I'm a victim' party, acting like you're not some selfish, self-centred, lame-ass wannabe diva from hell, because me, I'm going to go to my senior prom with my girlfriend and my friends." Santana said to Rachel, before storming out of the room.

That night, Marina and Arabella used Thad's car as a travelling device, the girls having the completed prom dresses bagged up as they drove from house to house, giving the dress to the girl (or suit for Brittany's case), dressing them up, doing their hair and makeup before going to the next house and repeating the process.

They then drove back to Dalton, exhausted, before going to Marina's bedroom. The five boys were all sat there, grinning, two dresses hidden behind them. "Firstly, Marina, Thad and I bought this since we have more accuracy at your personal style." Sebastian grinned before pulling out a big, black, princess-like dress, some of it a see-through material.

Marina simply tackled the boys in a hug, before rushing off and changing into her dress. Nick chuckled as she left, turning to Arabella. "We picked this one for you." He stated, gesturing to himself, Jeff, and Trent.

"We hope you like it." Jeff smiled before moving aside, pulling out a lavender, smaller dress and handing it to the girl, who gave them a less-forceful hug and also rushed off to get changed.

When they re-emerged, the only thought on the group's mind was princess. Both girls looked like queens, and so the boys set off on the girls' hair and makeup. By the time they were done, Arabella had a fancy, curled bun in her hair, pink lipstick and a pink and purple eyeshadow look. A small amount of eyeliner on her eyelid.

Marina's hair was still down, but it had been curled to perfection. Black lipstick stained her lips, black and silver eyeshadow on her eye and a fair amount of eyeliner of her eyelid. On both of their feet were black heels, Marina wearing heeled boots.

"Okay, queens, let's get you dropped off." Trent grinned. He was the one willing to take them to prom, mostly wanting to critique other dresses while he was staying in the car. It was a quick drive with the route they took, interlacing arms when they arrived and throwing the doors open, smiling smugly when eyes turned to them in awe.

They strolled over to Mike and Tina, the latter squealing at their outfits. "Oh! My! God! You guys look amazing!" She exclaimed happily.

"Tina's dress is amazing. You two are great at the whole dress thing." Mike complemented, not taking his adoring eyes off of Tina.

"Thanks, guys." Marina began, looking at the pair.

"Thanks Trent, Nick, Jeff, Thad, and Sebastian for the dresses." Arabella finished.

Then Brittany and the Cheerios began to sing about Dinosaurs.  

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