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Alice Kingsley wasn't having a swell day. It wasn't good at all, for that matter. She didn't want to go to a stupid party, she didn't want to dance with that stupid bachelor, and she certainly didn't want him to propose to her in front of everyone in. She didn't love him, so why should she spend an eternity with him?

Excusing herself from the party and putting her answer on hold, the blonde escaped into the woods around the area. Once she was out of sight from everyone, she began to run. She didn't care that her black flats and white stockings were getting dirty or that she may even get lost. She didn't care. She simply wanted to escape from this nightmare she was living in.

Alice skidded to a halt. She was tired and sweaty, so leaned against a tree to catch her breath. A girl of her class wasn't supposed to run around outdoors, but stay inside and do what were considered "womanly" things. She never fancied a regal life style. No, she prefered to sail across seas, explore new lands, and get away from it all. The 19-year-old never could though.

Being born rich had its perks, but you had to live up to your family's name. Do something wrong and you received a punishment. That's how Alice had grown up. Every single thing she did had to be proper and elegant.

She was no longer wheezing after about five minutes, but she didn't want to go back. Alice didn't know how to politely reject him. She didn't know how to get away from it all, but that doesn't mean she didn't want to. Alice Kingsley wanted to run away.

There was an issue though.

There was no where to go.

Sighing, she pushed herself off of the tree she had been leaning on and sluggishly began to head back. Then she heard a noise. Alice quickly turned around, curious of who could be behind her. No one was around a minute ago. Instead of seeing a person, she saw a glimpse of pure white fur. The blue eyed beauty mumbled to herself, "Must be a rabbit."

She turned back around and headed back to the gathering. This time, however, she tripped. Alice fell down onto the hard earth, scraping her uncovered arms getting dirt all over her beautiful light blue sun dress. She pushed herself up onto her knees with her frail arms and saw a white rabbit in front of her.

The thing is, rabbits don't wear red checkered button up vests. Or satchels. Or glasses. Or squeal out, "I'm late! I'm late! I'm very very late!" whilst looking at a golden pocket watch.

This one was.

The peculiar rabbit bounced off thought the array of trees. Alice, being curious, lifted herself off of the ground and chased the small animal. She assumed she was just seeing things, perhaps because of stress, nerves, or maybe she was just crazy. The girl needed to know.

The blonde began to sprint, chasing the fast animal. It quickly turned by a large tree. Alice wasn't prepared for that and slid on the ground. She tore the side of dress, which originally went down to her knees, and part of her stockings. "Great," she muttered to no one in particular and got up off of the ground.

Her leg was slightly bleeding so there was no way she could run now. Alice went in the direction she last saw the rabbit go, hoping to see the creature standing there, like it was when she fell the first time. And she did. It was clothed and all.

Instead of running, the white rabbit slowly bounced behind a bush. Alice followed. Behind the bush, was a large hole. The rabbit leaped into it. Alice may not have known a whole lot about the outdoors, but she knee rabbit holes were not THAT big. She kneeled next to hole, ignoring the pain from when she had fallen earlier. She leaned down and looked into it. And lost her balance.

Alice Kingsley fell into the rabbit hole.

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