two | Curiosity becomes a heavy load

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Once breakfast ended, teachers told us to make our way to the auditorium. We took the longer route. Walking through the greenfield that was not so green, I was afraid to get caught being somewhere we shouldn't be, especially on our first day; whilst Amelia did not have a care in the world jumping on wet grass and picking daisies while my shaky hands remained in my pockets from the chilly weather of England. I certainly don't know how Amelia managed to convince me to be late - but nonetheless, I took the fresh air in and enjoyed every part of it.

''You know-"

I looked up to her and she instantly gave me a smirk before finishing the sentence.

''I heard of this incredible library open in town.''

The minute I heard the word ''Library'' my eyes immediately darted towards her's fulfilled with excitement. And she finished the rest of her sentence with a chuckle.

''Let's go tonight.''

''Yes! A million times yes!'' I screeched.

Amelia never went to library's with me, I always had to get down on my knees but even that wouldn't work. So obviously, it excited me.

''I knew that would make you feel better.''

''How'd you know I'm not feeling good?''

She just looked at me sincerely, and all I was able to respond with was a slight smile.

''I'm okay though, I swear.''

''Yeah okay.'' she answered with much sarcasm.

And before I could answer, She took my hand in her's and started running.

''Amelia!'' I screamed whilst laughing.

''hurry up!'' She answered with excitement.

After many tumbles along the way, we finally made it to the auditorium. Walking sneakingly to the back of the building to get our seats, trying our best not to capture anyones attention. And thankfully, no one noticed us. After taking out seats, I began to slowly catch my breath.

The sound of Mrs. Johnson's voice was enough to get the auditorium's attention. A rather strict teacher, she was the first person I had met when I entered the school for the first time. She did greet me with an calm ambience but then later on reserved to her strict default self.

"Good morning sixth form. I hope you all had a lovely breakfast, and summer. Now, I want to start this year by reminding you once again that time is temporary. Every new day that passes is closer to the end of this year, Where you will be off to university to start the next chapter of your life.''

Woah straight to the point at eight in the morning.

She paused for a minute and the auditorium just remained silent.

''.....I do hope you all had a great summer and are ready to begin this year; Confident, refreshed, and motivated. This is your last year, continue working. But, don't forget to enjoy the present."

As she continued to rant, I slowly fell into slumber but suddenly awoke from a nudge I received from Amelia. After a long long while, the assembly came to an end and each row of students was escorted out by order.

Once me and Amelia managed to push through all the sixth forms and reach our classrooms, we were already ahead of our time. But our idiotic selfs just stood outside the classroom arguing about what excuse would be best to justify our lateness. Which was absurd as it wasted even more time.

''Calm down, The teacher would understand.''

''We're ten minutes late! he's not understanding anything!''

The same argument about the same matters continued. And we were completely unaware that we could be heard. And we were heard.

''You can come in girls.''

We both paused and stared at each other with wide eyes once we heard the teachers voice, now both of us panicking.

''Holy crap.'' Amelia said whilst laughing.

''Amelia, He can hear us.''

She then stared at me with wide eyes once again, as if the teacher didn't just inform us that he could in fact hear us.

I was badly trying to hide the laughter that so badly wanted to come out, but before I knew it the classroom door was open and Amelia was already ahead of me. Of course panic filled my whole existence but I managed to push through and enter the class behind Amelia.

''Nice of you to join us today.''

We both stared at the teacher, with a million thoughts running through our head - thinking of a way to get us off trouble. But before we even had the chance to let anything out our mouth, he cut us off leaving us completely embarrassed, even more than we already were.

''So, did you think of an excuse yet, or do i need to give you some more time?'' He asked.

I tried my best to avoid looking at the whole bunch of students eyeing us. But now I was completely vulnerable and wanted to just badly hurt the teacher for making things worse.

''Uhm, we were both in the..ehm' Amelia said while looking back at me for some support.

''Loo.'' I blurted out quickly. ''And then- we had to find somewhere to print our schedules.''

''Because we lost our's this morning during breakfast.'' Amelia said quickly finishing my sentence.

''Take your seats.'' The teacher said stultify.

After me and Amelia exchanged looks that mainly consisted of cringe, I turned to face the classroom with panic. It felt like I was in the spotlight, and not the good way. Realizing that the only two seats empty weren't next to each other only triggered me. But nonetheless, we had no choice, so I made my way to the seat my eyes were first set on and only realized my mistake after I took the seat. There was no going back now.

I was sat next to this boy. But not just any boy. He was extremely attractive. Messy brunette hair with a sharp jawline. I couldn't tell how he looked completely as I just had a glimpse of his side profile. All I remember was feeling badly intimidated sitting next to him. Squirming in my seat while I looked to my side only to find Amelia staring back at me smirking. She then gave me a thumbs up which made me quickly look away from embarrassment.

I couldn't focus on what the teacher was saying as I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable and anxious. I knew I was being dramatic but I was attracted to him and It was unnecessary.

After 'Mr. Brown' introduced us to the lesson and gave us an idiotic amount of work to complete by the end of the class, I snapped out of my thoughts. But it wasn't much longer when everything started to fall apart once again, when I saw the mysterious boy from the corner of my eyes stare right at me. It put me in an awkward position as I couldn't look back and face him, but I couldn't also continue doing my work and act like I felt nothing when I felt impuissant under his gaze.

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