Silent Library

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I sit alone in the tiny corner of this old library. The only other soul is the old librarian who's falling asleep. I continue to read Looking for Alaska by John Green.

"The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive."

'yeah right. fuck forgiveness' i thought. Memories flood back and i try to hold on my tears from long ago.

"Excuse me," a velvety voice whispers through the silence. I try to stay as quiet as possible as i spy on him through the space in the bookshelf. With a concerning voice he speaks again, "Sir..... Are you ok"

My laughter rings loudly through the air like an old church bell causing the librarian and the mystery guy to look my way.

I can see him leave the front desk and walk towards me. In a panic, i attempted to make myself smaller and tried to crawl away, only to face a pair of black air force 1's.

'Where are you going kitten'

He didn't say that. But my brain wanted him too.

"Are you ok?" He gentle asked as he outstretched his hand to me.

"I-I'm fine. Thank you" I say as i take his calloused hand in my own. Smooth.

As i stand before him i can't help but notice how good looking he is. His green eyes. Brown hair. His tall muscled body. The rings on his finger. The all black fit. The way his eyes held amusement but with little flecks of anger. RAIL MEEE!!.
"I would but i'd need your name first," He explains with a smirk on his face, "And you'd need to know my name".

"Why?" I knew why he said that, i knew, my brain just wanted confirmation that he said it.

With a slight eyebrow raise and his lips curled over his pearly white teeth he says in bold fonts.

"So you can scream my name of course" Looking into his eyes, it seemed like time had stopped. As he leaned closer to me his lips attacking mine. His lips felt as soft as they looked. It was gentle at first as if he was asking for my permission then when i kissed back it became dominant. Seductive. Almost as if he was trying to capture my soul through the kiss. His tongue sweeps across my bottom lip. Then i knew that shit was about to get real.

As soon as his tongue entered my mouth my legs gave out on me. His grip tightened around my waist, keeping me a close as possible as he did wonderful things with his tongue. My mind fuzzy and my heart melting with every touch he gave me. My back against the science fiction section of the library wall. I could feel the hard and soft aspects of the huge shelf digging into my back but i only wanted more.

His hand roamed lower, cupping my butt, as he grounded his erection against my core. His kiss muffling the moans that continue to spill from my lips. I could feel my release building up like a ticking time bomb on the verge of exploding. My panties are so wet i thought i might cum through the light blue jeans i'm wearing. His ring covered hand dug into my ass and i release the moan stuck in my throat i didn't know was there.

He added more pressure to my numb pearl as he fucks me with our clothes on. Ever so often slowing down his pace only to pick up again. He did this over and over again continuing his assault on my swollen bud. He stops his movements. Earning him a quiet whimpers and silent tears. His lips leave mine only to make its way to my ear.

"Are you almost there, kitten..... why are you crying.... do you want more?" He swivels his hips in little circles, creating a small spark, only enough to keep me wanting more but not enough for a release. I shake my head vigorously trying to match him rhythm, only to be held still by his strong hands. "Words kitten.... I need words"

"Yes... god yes.... please" i cry out. He picks up his pace. Moving his hips in such. vigorous speed. His head falls to my shoulder as he grinds his shaft against me. The pleasure too intense for me to handle as i dig my nails into his back. His hand snaking around my mouth as i cum hard and fast. His hips still vigorously moving as i rid out my orgasm and the feeling of him teeth biting down on my neck as he soon finds his release.
He lifts his head and stare at me. His lips curling into a smile, then a deep throaty laugh follows. He opens his mouth to speak.

"Hello? Hey," He waves his free hand in front of my face, while the other one rest in his hand still.

"W-what did you s-say?" I managed to say with a deep blush on my face.

"I asked what is your name, gorgeous," His eyes sparkled with amusement all hints of anger gone, "Mine is Lewis"

"Elizabeth... but you can just call me Liz or Lizzy" I can't believe i just fantasized about have sex with a stranger.

A handsome stranger.


Ok so this is my first time writing smut sooooo um yeah it was kinda short anywhoreee....

Let me know if this was good or not cuz im pretty nervous

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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