Chapter 1: The beginning

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It was cold outside like any other day, breezy winds, cool air. Diana was talking to one of our friends, Sofia. Me, Diana, and Sofia have been the closest friends since kindergarten. There's a big problem between us all, though. Me and Diana have a secret and Sofia doesn't know. What Sofia doesn't know is that me and Diana are Warrior Angels. There are many types of angels like us, Warrior Angels can be in heaven and fight off demons or some can be humans chosen on Earth to protect the Earth of demons.  The lord told us if anyone found out in any way, there would be consequences. We can't go against the Lord's word so we had to go along with it. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Elise Cornfield, President of our schools debate club. I like helping people with their studies. My friends name is Diana Mayflower. She is really bright and loves to adventure. Then lastly, we have Sofia Queen. She was sassy but a good and caring friend. We all met when we were in kindergarten. Whenever our parents separated us, we would scream and cry. So they knew they had to keep us together unless they wanted crying babies for the rest of their life. We only had the rest of our life ahead of us, so that's what we look forward to. "Hey Elise?" Someone said. "Oh, hey Diana. What's up?" Elise said. "You we're kinda  spacing out for a while. Me and Sofia got nervous." Diana said. "Yeah, don't do that again you numb skull!" Shouted Sofia. "Sorry, my bad. I was thinking about the Exams coming up soon." Explained Elise. "Wow, that's surprising, the smartest girl in school worried about exams?" Diana said. "At least we and agreed on something, Diana. When have you EVER worried about exams?" Questioned Sofia. "It was a little hard for me to focus this quarter and I didn't get everything, but I have an idea we can all do!" Explained Elise. "And what is that supposed to be?" Questioned Diana. "We can all do a study group! Text your parents saying you'll be staying at school for another hour. Then, we can do a study group in the library!" Exclaimed Elise. "You know what, that does sound fun, let's do it! You in Sofia?" Diana said. "Of course I'm in, I'll just go to the store across the street from the school to get us snacks!" Sofia said. "Great, everyone is in, let's meet up at the library straight after school!" Elise said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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