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"He fucked you, didn't he?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Oh please, he doesn't call people into his office without yelling at them. Well, he usually doesn't have people in his office at all. Even his employees."


"It's fine. I won't say he fucks every girl he works with, because he usually doesn't like people. I am just trying to figure out why you are so different. I mean, Summer, she's hot...you're just cute...he doesn't go for cute." Leah said, tilting her head as she looked Ashley over.

"I have no idea what you are going on about ma'am, but-"

"You don't have to say he didn't. I'm a friend of Gabriel's, honestly I can't believe he didn't tell me about you. In reality you are very cute, why wouldn't he share you with me is really bugging me."

Ashley started to intervene again in the conversation, but somehow couldn't get past Leah, who stared over her with a puzzling, almost upset expression. "I need to get back to work."

"You know, Gabriel isn't someone who you should just play with. It won't end well for you. I am saying this as his friend, he doesn't do well with people like you. He loses his temper quickly."


"So don't be playing him, and do actually go after him. He has his fun and then he will toss you away like he did with Summer. She is only here still because she has a lot of different clients that bring in good money. She is unique. While you are very plain and simple."

"I-I'm not playing at Gabriel, and I'm not after him either. Please move so I can get back to work."

"What's your name anyways?" Blocking Ashley again at the door with her arm, Leah only insisted again that she get her name.


"What is it?"

"Ashley. Now please, move."

moved to the other side of the hallway as quickly as she could before Leah had grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "I mean it. Stop while you are ahead Ashley. It won't end well for either of you, I am looking out for Gabriel."

Leah had let her go but small nail marks were left in her arm as Ashley quickly moved down the hall and to her office where she had people waiting already. Quickly working with the women and men who were there waiting to get checked in, Ashley moved quickly and started getting a lot of people back until she heard a faint yell of Gabriel and who she assumed was Leah.

It was faint enough to where the clients wouldn't hear it unless they really tried to eavesdrop, but then again Ashley was closer to the back then they were. Soon enough Leah was walking through the front doors to leave as Billy and Marco showed up to fetch their clients.

After that, the day went by quickly, people coming in and out all day. Ashley didn't even take a lunch break like she was supposed to. Sitting at the computer putting in things and finishing scheduling the few clients she didn't get to. She was emailing a few people back because of how booked the few weeks would be now that they had to cancel multiple sessions.

It was draining. Ashley had thought she looked like an old witch by the time the last person was leaving the building. From staring at a screen to dealing with people, who were happy to angry emotions.

Standing up and rubbing her face, Ashley groaned lightly as her phone chimed. It was well past five and all Ashley wanted to do was eat food. Ignoring the phone call, she decided that if someone really needed her that they could leave a message and that she would get back at them later.

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