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• Inner Circle • E-dgy • Retros • Vintages • Memers • Swaggers • Poggers • Fams •

Like what was mentioned in the Welcome page, the community is split up into 8 different teams.

Inner Circle: ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ  not hiring

E-dgy: ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ  not hiring

Retro:₊˚ˑ༄ؘ hiring!

Vintage: ₊˚ˑ༄ؘhiring!

Memer: ₊˚ˑ༄ؘhiring!

Swagger: ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ hiring!

Pogger: ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ hiring!

Fams: ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ Dm to join!

Clout Community. (it isn't a Wattpad content without some "storyline") credits to GlazedxLies for this storyline masterpiece.


Suspicion. Plot twists. Betrayal.

You can't seem to trust anyone. Lovely. Then let me introduce you to E-dgy, the planning masterminds. Not of events or nonsense giveaways. But of helping you to answer the questions stuck in your mind. Not only that. You can hire them too. As anyone you want them to act as.

Retros. The creative ones in our community. Why, they provide graphic designs, animations, trailers, and songs. They're not alone though. The Vintages are by their side, finding pictures, clips, sounds, and anything to support them with.

But that's not it- you turn around to find the Swaggers. People showing off their brilliant writing skills . Ask them to edit your book, and they can guarantee you newly edited book that sounds professional. 

You frowned. You don't have a book to be edited or a missing graphic to be inserted. You're just bored. Then step right into the world of Memers and Poggers. Daily doses of internet but Wattpad version? You got the "memers" also known as Geeks. Or rather you step into the world of Poggers where they would put together an event with tons of prizes.

You're probably tired after meeting them and just want some friends to talk to. Let's welcome the Fams into your life. People being by your side for emotional support through whatever you've been going through and just being as friendly as possible!

Or just be a plain old fashioned member!

Your choice.


Alright, pals, snap out of the hypnotizing underlined words. Next page!

- Inner Circle, the one who runs and shape the community.

Clout Community (HIRING)Where stories live. Discover now