Chapter 7

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Night had begun to fall on New Berk. In a few hours, Harald would come back. Astrid was ready. She had slept a couple of hours in the afternoon, it was enough to give her strength and stamina. The catapults were ready. The Nightmare's gel too. She was standing on the wooden wall they had built for the defense, looking at the horizon. From here, she could see Harald's ships and dragons. Thor, they were a lot of them. No matter how determined, how prepared or how hard the Berkians would fight, there was no way for them to win. Only a miracle could save them. She turned around and headed to the middle of the village. All of the citizens were there, ready to fight. Only the children were not here. Led by Skulder, the archaeologist, they went to hide in the forest of New Berk. At least, if the village happened to be destroyed, the young generation will hopefully survive. As she was coming towards them, all the vikings were looking at her. In all the faces, she could see anger and determination. Good. They would need it.

Once again, she climbed on the fountain, shook her axe in the air and yelled :

"Berkians, in less than three hours, Harald will come back. But we will be ready to fight. We will be ready to defend New Berk. We will be ready to defend our home. Our family. Our way of life. No matter how many they are. No matter how strong their dragons are. We will fight. We will fight until we meet again in the great halls of Valhalla. Hiccup left New Berk in our hands. Now is the time to show him it was a good decision. Get ready to fight like you've never fought before ! This is our time ! This is where we shine !"

Every single Berkian shook his fist, or his weapon and screamed in approval. Legends say they screamed so loud that they were heard by the dragons in the Hidden World.

"Now, everybody to your position ! Gustav, you'll defend the main gate, nobody is supposed to get through it. Gobber, Spitelout, your former dragon hunters skills will be helpful against the Chimeragons. Valka will lead the warriors to defend the houses. Fight as hard as you can but leave Harald to me. Nobody threatens my family without consequences."

Once again, the village echoed in screams, before all the vikings took place where they were supposed to. Astrid jumped out the fountain and started to walk towards the Great Hall, where she would be able to lead the defense, when someone grabbed her shoulder. She turned around to face Valka, who was looking at her with respect and pride.

"Hiccup would be proud of you," she stated very seriously, "I know I am, and I am honored to have you as a daughter-in-law. Both house Hofferson and Haddock are proud to be part of your family."

"Thanks Valka. No matter how we fight, I'm afraid we won't last the night. But if I have to die tonight, I'm glad to know that it is by your side."

The two women hugged each other, before leaving in opposite directions. Even if Astrid was indeed glad to fight by Valka's side, she regretted not being with Hiccup at this final moment. If she happened to die that night, her only regret was not to have the opportunity to say goodbye to the love of her life. As she thought of this, a tear rolled through her cheek, crashing on the snow.

Three hours later, New Berk had been conquered by silence and night. Nobody was moving. Nobody was talking. The village was lightened by hundreds of torches. Astrid was leaning on the doors of the great hall, along with a few members of the Berk Guard. They were supposed to help whoever would need it in the battle.

Suddenly, in the sea, a horn blew. Screams and roars followed. The battle was about to begin. Harald didn't attack with the Chimeragons from the beginning. He started by trying to take down the main door. Thank Thor, Gustav and his men held on and managed to beat the first wave quite easily.

"Aah Gustav !" he said after taking down the last soldier of this army.

The horn blew again. This time, the Chimeragons took off, some of them were carrying some kind of giant boxes. Gobber yelled something. The catapults fired. Only a couple of dragons were taken down by these shots. The other fired. It was a chaos of fire and lightning. Some houses started to burn. Soon enough, most of the village was burning. Taking advantage of the chaos, the Chimeragons managed to put the boxes they were carrying in the middle of New Berk. They burst open, each revealing a dozen soldiers.

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