1) Loyalty is rare if you find it, keep it

2) Teen years are consider to be the best nd worst years of you life

3) you know when someone means alot to whe  there mood affects yours

4) you can tell when someone likes someone eles but....you can't tell when someone likes you

5) the smell of chocolate can be calming and help you relax

6) if you remember and use peoples names they like you more

7) lack of sleep is associated with excessive worrying

8) people who sleep late have more mental stamina and can out preform early risers

9) when a group of people laughs, each member will instinctively look at the person they are closet to

10) nowhere in the bible dose it say that satan rules hell

11)  women tend to argue with the person they care about. If they dont, they aren't interested 

12) we change our voices when talking to the people we like

13) People who don't get enough sleep, preform words than people who are drunk

14) we have more conversations in our head than we do in real life

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