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So I have covid and I have to stay in my boyfriends room all by myself except when he comes in here but he sleeps on the floor
Paige: baby
Chase: yes
Paige: can you please sit up here with me
Chase: baby I would love to but
Paige: but you don't want covid ok whatever I'll just go
I get up out of his bed and take his hoodie off and throw it at him and put my shirt back on and I get my mask and put it on and I walk out his room and slam his door
Thomas: woah why are you in a bad mood
I walk out the front door and slam it and get in my car and slam the door and drive away and go home and I go to my room and slam my door and lay on my bed and then someone knocks
Nessa: Paige are you ok
I don't answer I just turn around and start crying silently
Nessa: I'm coming in
I hear the door open and then close and then she sits on my bed
Nessa: what's wrong
Paige: I don't think he loves me anymore
Nessa: how could you say that
I turn around and she sees me crying
Paige: you know how I have covid
Nessa: yeah
Paige: none of them will come in the room I stay in chases room laying there and when chase goes to sleep he doesn't even come and cuddle me and sleeps on the floor
Nessa: oh come here
I crawl over to her and put my head in her lap and she plays with my hair and then we hear the doorbell ring so she gets up and answers it
Nessas POV
I get up and go to the door and open it
Nessa: chase what do you want
Chase: is she here
Nessa: why should I tell you
Chase: because she's my girlfriend I have a right to know
Nessa: Chase she told me what happened
Chase: that I wouldn't cuddle her because she has covid
Nessa: yes she said nobody paid attention to her you would hardly go in there and whenever you went in there was to go to sleep but you would sleep on the floor
Chase: nessa please just let me talk to her
Nessa: Chase I think you should go
Chase: ness please let me talk to her please I'm begging you
Nessa: you have 10 minutes
Chase: thank you
Paige's POV
I hear the door shut and then someone walk to my door and open it and I turn around and see chase
Paige: go away
I turn around and face my walk and then feel a dip beside and a arm around my waist
Paige: Chase go away
Chase: baby please
Paige: no go away bubba
Chase: let me talk please
Paige: no bubs
Chase: please
I turn around
Paige: fine
Chase: I'm sorry
Paige: for
Chase: not cuddling you when you need me most
Paige: and
Chase: not checking up on you
Paige: and
Chase: not kissing you the whole time you were at hype house
Paige: and
Chase: for not sleeping in the bed with you
Paige: and
Chase: not taking showers with you
Paige: apology accepted
Chase: really
Paige: mhm now kiss me doofus
He kisses me and I kiss him back
Paige: I love you
Chase: I love you too
I cuddle into him and then fall asleep

The end

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