Chapter 2. Acting "normal".

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My first day of 5th year, and i have to act "normal", which is hard of course being the most powerful witch of my year, in fact my school! I have a few "friends" i suppose, but when i am powerful i will have to let them go, they will be nothing to me. But in this moment i have to be nice, pull them in closer, gain their trust. So my friends (that's what we will call them for now) first there is my favourite, Scorpius (Draco Malfoy's son, he is cool i suppose, kind of special in fact. If i had time maybe i would date him, but i don't so i try to distance myself so i don't catch feelings) then there is Roxanne and Fred Weasley (George Weasley and Angelina's kids, they are a handful, annoying and always playing pranks on each other, i hate them, but then again. I will need SOME loyal subjects.) That's all i suppose, it's not a lot, but it's enough.

L's POV:

After placing my bags into my dorm, i went to the library to catch up with the history of Lord Voldemort, i opened the worn down leather covers of the book and began reading the first page in my head, "Lord Voldemort, the most powerful and unforgettable Dark Lord Hogwarts has ever experienced" i smiled, it was nice to be able to read about him without being judged, as my friends weren't there yet. Then all of a sudden, whilst i was turning onto the next page the book set on fire, not regular flames, but they were a shade of greenish, blue, i was mesmerized, i couldn't draw my eyes away from it, and before i knew the flames had spread up my arm and into my hair, and yet i still sat there i couldn't move even if i tried. I heard screams behind me, then fast footsteps, and then everything went dark.

Scorpius' POV:

I walked into the library, as she would be there, she told us to call her "L" which i thought was strange at first but i suppose she liked nicknames as she always called me "Scorpi" i didn't like it, but i grew to enjoy it, just like i grew to enjoy her. I walked over to the corner where we always sat and there she was. Covered in flames? I ran over to her and shook her trying to make her get up, but she wouldn't move, she was in some sort of trance, i needed to get help, but i couldn't leave her all by herself, i picked her up and grabbed the cause of the fire, the book. I avoided eye contact with the book as i thought that maybe that was the reason for her trance, i began running through the halls, crowds screaming around me. The flames had already spread all over my body but i had to keep running, i had to make sure she was safe. I ran into the hospital wing and screamed for help, i collapsed onto the floor holding her in my arms, the rest was a blur.

L's POV:

I woke up in the hospital wing, teachers, students and nurses standing above me looking into my eyes, as if they were waiting for me to wake up. I tried to sit up but i couldn't, my whole body was wrapped in bandages. Then i heard the worn out voice of Scorpius, i turned my head slowly.

"S-scorpi? is that yo-u?" i asked.

"Hey L." he replied in a raspy and worn out voice.

"Wha-at are you do-i-ng here ?" i asked as i looked at him, covered in bandages and plasters, i thought to myself, what happened? did it happen to both of us?

"Don't you remember L? i kinda saved you." he replied in a sort of cocky tone.

Saved me ? i thought. What did he save me from? Then it came to my mind. The book. But how could that hurt me? us.

Then a teacher walked up to me, my father he was training to be an auror but he was the Defence Of The Dark Arts teacher at the moment, he crouched down beside me and held my burnt hand in his.

"What were you thinking? Are you okay?" he said

"I am fine, Scorpi saved me." i replied

My father looked at me in shock, as if he didn't believe me. The next three hours he talked to me about responsibilities and boring stuff like that, until he left. I lied there in pain until night came, i couldn't sleep. Neither could Scorpius, so we talked the whole night. Maybe a Dark Lord could have a boyfriend.

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