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Crows and Ravens. They say the two are completely different. Would they say the same if they knew the truth? The truth cannot always be told, though. Sometimes, it must be unearthed through careful watching of one's actions.

Though they didn't really care about that, it was a good thing they didn't know. The birds would often fly to unoccupied homes, take some food, perhaps pick off a couple small creatures, and take their leave, or so the humans thought. 

None of them had suspected it was the birds doing, when someone died or went missing. Both of the species knew better than to leave evidence. There was even decent communication between them all, such as, "Little girl dead in sector B-9, retreat from all sectors near there until she is gone."

Those squawks and calls during the day weren't their normal calls, either. They disguised their real voices, so that at night, they wouldn't be found out. They were truly sneaky in every way. This has been going on for years.

It came as a surprise to the birds that they weren't all leaving. Most of them were young and foolish, though, with their 'I am immortal, nothing can kill me' attitudes. Their constant going on about not dying since they haven't been alive that long was more annoying to the birds than anyone could ever believe.

They wouldn't often use their claws for things, but instead random items found outside or in the house they were going to for the night. Someone had even been found with a zip tie around their throat, with a celery stick blindfolding them.

This was simply the nature of Ravens and Crows. Daring, Deceiving, Deadly. They would never stop their psychopathic behavior. All of them wanted to do the things they did, which made life much easier for The Queen and King.

The Queen was a Raven, the King a Crow. All of them agreed that one should be a Raven and the other a Crow, to symbolize equality. They were authoritative, but not as roughly commanding as one might think.

In fact, most of what they said to the others were suggestions rather than commands. It might be seen as weak to be so nice to your fellow birds, but it helped persuade them to do what they were told.

They were never seen, suspected, or harmed.

They were Murders And Conspiracies.

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