Chapter 1. My inspiration.

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My name is, well i can't tell you that yet, let me give you my initials instead, i suppose you can call me L. My life's purpose was always to "be smart" "be perfect", but what if i don't want any of that? I truly don't care about reaching my parents expectations, quite frankly i want the opposite, i want power, obedience and popularity. I want to be like my Lord Voldemort. You are probably surprised i even wrote his name, but i do not fear him, he is dead after all, but even through death i find a way to contact him, and he shows me what to do. I trust him with my life. More than i have ever trusted anyone, even my own brothers. Even my own "family".

I talk to the Lord every week asking him for advice on how to become more powerful, the first time i talked to him was on my 15th birthday (September 1st) and that's when i created my first horcrux, a watch. My father's watch actually, which if you think about it, it's perfect. The process was hard, i had to murder someone to split my soul so that i could put it into the watch. Who did i murder you ask? Well i can't tell you that! but i did murder someone, a boy. I could've used avada kedavra, but i wanted to have more fun! I tortured him, i used him as my puppet, so many spells and curses, until he lost all desire to live, and then in the moment when i let him go, sweat dripping down his temples, tears welling in his soulless eyes and teeth grinding, he began to walk away, well it was more of a 'drag', i slowly walked over to him, pushed him over, flipped him with the toe of my heels, so that i could look into his eyes whilst i murdered him. Then i said.

"We always knew i was the better sibling."

I pointed the tip if my wand to the centre of his forehead, kissed him on the cheek leaving a red lipstick stain. Then i moved away from his shaking body and whispered

"Avada Kedavra. Brother."

I then walked away from his cold lifeless body, my job was almost complete, now all i had to do was put my soul into the watch. I moved towards the table where the watch was placed, i picked it up and uttered the charm.

It was done. I took the first step into becoming the new Dark Lord.

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