Prologue Pt.8: A New Hero (Reboot)

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[As we reached the Grid, I scanned out the area around it to see how many threats we are facing.]

4 threats found

Tracer: That's them.

Winston: Any fire in that direction, we risk hitting the Grid.

Courier: I'll keep them on the crosshair.

[We took cover. The scan hasn't worned out yet and I kept the Kace on the crosshair just in case. We all knew the risk and what was at stake here.]

Tracer: I could get closer.

Winston: Not with your accelerator glitching.

Tracer: We can't risk--

Iggy: To the omnics fighting for Kace! Listen up! I am Iggy, an omnic! Obviously you already know that.

Iggy: Listen to me! Kace is not our leader! He is planning on destroying the Grid! The thing that powers our home. For what?!

Iggy: To destroy humans? To start another war? How does it bring us anything but more violence? When violence has already taken so many of us. When it's already cost too many of us too much.

[I've rappled down to Iggy. I holstered my weapon. Soon after Winston and Tracer descended to me.]

Iggy: Mondatta told us that we are all one. Humans and omnics. I know sometimes that's hard to believe.

Iggy: And the humans need to step up, don't get me wrong. But some of them are.

Iggy: The revolution is us recognizing the past and working together to make the future better. I'm not asking you to stop fighting. I'm asking you to help me fight for omnics, not against humans.

[After a while, Kace's omnics dropped their weapons.]

Kace: What are you doing?

Kace: Very well. [I saw him grabbing a pistol.] I don't need an army... destroy what stands in my way.

[I tried to shoot the grappling hook at Kace's pistol, but it jammed.] 

Courier: No, no, no, no! Not now!

[I tried unjamming it, but it was too late.]

Tracer: No!!

[At this moment, I was unable to do anything, but just watch. I heard a shot, and saw Tracer blink towards Iggy...]

Winston: Tracer! The accelerator!

[...and taking a bullet. I was so shocked.]

Tracer: Ahhhh!

Courier: Lena!! Everyone, clear out!

[I runned towards her, kneeled and tried to wake her up.]

Courier: Lena, please... keep your eyes open.

[I saw tears in her, and breathed with pain. I saw Lena's wound, it was pretty bad.]

Courier: ESAC! Scan her out! Now! 

ESAC: Scanning... Lena Oxton.

ESAC: Status: Alive. Serious trauma detected: Left ventricle damage and lung puncture. Medical assistance needed.

[I saw other omnics running after Kace.]

Courier: We need to get her to the hospital, now! Winston, grab her!

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