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 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍, 𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙩

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𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍, 𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙩

Dream grabbed his sword out of his sheath. "Let's go." Y/n shook her head. "No. I'm not leaving." She stood up. Tommy watched them confused. He soon began realising what was happening.

"You lied." Tommy stood up. Y/n turned around to face him. "I... I did it to protect y-" "You did it so you could protect Dream!" Tommy yelled in her face. "I was beginning to trust you! And then I find out your just a liar!" He yelled once again.

"Tommy I'm so sorry..." Y/n began. "I just didn't want you guys to change the way you see me-" "I don't care! It's the fact you lied!" Y/n heard footsteps. She looked over and saw Wilbur and Tubbo. They watched as Dream walked up behind Y/n, his sword out incase any of them tried to attack her.

"You bastard Y/n! We trusted you!" Tommy yelled as Tubbo and Wilbur held him back. Tommy was so mad. He wanted to just... He was just mad. This was one of the people he's trust so quickly and she lied. He knew he would regret this soon.

Tommy grabbed out his sword and pointed it to Y/n. "Tommy no..." Wilbur said and Tommy moved out of Tubbos grasp. Dream pushed Y/n back and put his sword up. "Don't. Don't touch her." Dream said, his voice deep.

Tommy shook his head and pushed Dream out of the way. "I said no! Tommy stop!" Dream yelled and Tommy began walking over to Y/n. Y/n panicked as Tommy swung his sword at her. She quickly grabbed her diamond sword and blocked him, pushing him off of her.

She stood up and didn't swing at him. She wasn't going to hurt him. All Y/n was going to do was block him. But she was horrible with swords. Bow and arrow was her specialty.

Tommy swung at her again, Y/n blocking it. This went on for a few moments before Dream walked over, wanting to step him. Tommy quickly struck at Y/n and sliced her stomach. "Y/n!" Dream yelled.

Tommy dropped his sword and put his hands over his mouth as he watched Y/n fall onto her knees. Dream raced over to Y/n, placing his hand over the cut on her stomach. It wasn't super deep but still pretty deep and bleeding everywhere. Dreams hand was covered in blood.

"Y/n? Y/n?! God dammit answer!" He shook Y/n violently. She shook her head. "I'm so sorry... I should of stayed home. This is all my fault." "Shh... It's okay kid." Dream held onto her and had his hand over her wound firmly. Y/n placed her hand over his and leaned her head into his shoulder, the shock fading and the pain getting worse.

Tommy was frozen in place. His hands were over his mouth and he was shocked. How could he... How could he let his anger take over like this? He looked down at his hands and saw a bit of blood splattered on them. "Tommy! What were you thinking?!" Tubbo said as him and Wilbur ran over to him.

A few minutes went by. George and Sapnap ran up the hill to see Dream holding onto Y/n. "Y/n!" They yelled, filling with fear. Sapnap was the first to run to her. He slid down onto his knees, going besides Dream.

"Who did this?!" George grabbed his sword and pointed it to Tubbo, Tommy and Wilbur. He looked down and saw the sword covered in blood, sitting on the floor in-front of Tommy. "You..."

"George stop!" Y/n yelled before George took the chance to hurt Tommy. "Please dont.." She choked out. George sighed and put his sword away. "Did you guys bring medical supplies?" Dream asked Sapnap and George. They shook their heads. "Shit..."

George and Sapnap walked over to Dream and Y/n. Y/n felt a colder hand placed on her forehead. "She's burning up." Sapnap spoke. "And she's very pale." Y/n was super dizzy and her vision grew blurry, the grip on Dreams hand was super tight.

"We can help." Wilbur spoke up. "Your crazy." Sapnap mumbled. "Listen. We don't want Y/n to..." Wilbur sighed before continuing. "We all don't want anything bad to happen to Y/n. We can help. We have the medical supplies she needs."

Dream looked down at Y/n again before looking at Wilbur. "Fine." He stood up, holding Y/n close to his chest and carrying her. "Lead the way." Wilbur nods and began leading the way to the L'Manburg medical bay. Dream already had a bunch of blood on his previously clean green hoodie.

Sapnap and George followed, not even looking at Tommy. Tubbo was standing next to Tommy who was frozen in place. "Tommy..." Y/n whispered, reaching her bloody hand out to him. "I warned you about him Y/n." Dream whispered to her.

"Tommy we need to go help-" Tubbo began. "Just leave me alone for a bit. Okay?" Tommy looked down at the bloody sword that was in-front of him. "This is my fault and look what happened." Tubbo sighed and pats his shoulder. "Stay safe. Be back soon." Tubbo caught up to Wilbur.

Dream placed Y/n down on the bed in the medical bay. One of the L'Manburgians who Y/n couldn't make out his appearance began helping Wilbur clean up her wound. She was loosing a lot of blood and fast so they worked quickly. A bit later, her wound was cleaned up and bandaged. By now, Y/n had fallen asleep.

"Dream... I know you don't want to hear this. But I think Y/n should spend the night here. She's already racked out." Sapnap spoke to Dream who was looking down at Y/n. "What if something else happens? What if Tommy hurts her again?" Dream rambled.

"I don't think Tommy will." Tubbo spoke up, walking into the room. "What?" Dream looked at him. "He feels awful and isn't even coming to see her. I'll make sure he doesn't do anything too." Tubbo finished.

Dream sighed and looked at George and Sapnap. Dream walked up to Tubbo, towering over him. "If anything happens to her, it's your funeral." He warned and Tubbo quickly nods. Once the L'Manburgian finished cleaning up her wound, they all left to give Dream and Y/n a moment alone since it was obvious the two were close.

Dream crouched down besides the bed
Y/n was sleeping in. He placed his hand over hers and squeezed it. "I'm sorry Y/n. I shouldnt of left you. Even all those years ag-" "Dream!" Dream was cut off by the sound of George. He looked over his shoulder. "We need to go soon before the mobs. She'll be okay." He gave a comforting smile to Dream.

Dream sighs before nodding. He looks back to Y/n and stands up, his hand still holding onto hers. He pushed the hair out of her face and gave her a brotherly kiss on the forehead and looks down at their hands. The warmth of her hand disappeared as he let go, walking outside to George and Sapnap before leaving back to the Dream SMP.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍, 𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙩Where stories live. Discover now