𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 | "ending" this friendship 🙄

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after you and sasuke finished eating, you two walked to his

"Ah y/n, i didn't know you were coming over today!" Mikoto greeted (?) as you walked into the house

"Hi Mikoto! It's good to see you again!" you said

"I'm just here to hang out with Sasuke!" Sasuke turned to look at you with a questioning look on his face

"Oh! are you two finally an item?" she asked excitedly

"No, mom!" Sasuke said trying to hide his red face

"Haha! I'm only joking!," she laughed "Y/n, sweetie are you hungry? so I can start cooking dinner"

"Ah, no. I already ate" you smiled

"Oh ok! Sasuke your brother went to the store, text him if you need anything" Mikoto told Sasuke, who nodded and turned to you

"Come on let's go to my room" grabbing your hand and bringing you to his room

"I thought you were just coming over to give my mom something" he said

"Well.. I lied!"

"Oh really? I didn't noticed" he rolled his eyes "Whatever, I'm so tired-" you whined falling on top of his bed

"Get off my bed,"


"Can we watch a movie or something?" you asked him

"I guess," he said handing you the controller, and sitting on the other side of you

you put on [favorite movie], throughout the movie you two made small talk. halfway through you decided to do that one tiktok trend where you "end" your friendship with your best friend and see their reaction


duck butt😾
6:30 PM

hey sasuke..
we've known each other from a long time now
but i think we should end this friendship...
i just feel like we're getting distant and we just
don't even hang out anymore :/

wtf no
i'm literally right next to you
dumbass you can't end this friendship now 🙄
seen 6:34pm


you burst out laughing when you saw him glaring at you,

"Sasuke! i'm — kidding," you said in between laughs
he decided to give you the silent treatment

"aw cmon! sasuke!" you poked his cheek


"sasuke!" you said getting annoyed


you watched him get up, and head towards the door, before he walked out of the room, you got an idea.

you got up from your spot, and jumped on his back, surprising him in the process.

"AH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" he yelled

"Oh, phew, good thing you caught me," you said wrapping your arms around his neck,  while he held your legs, preventing you from falling.

"Get off!"


he groaned in annoyance, but knowing you wouldn't get off anytime soon, he just went to the kitchen with you on his back

"Oh?" his mom questioned, while you just give her a small grin

" Tell her to get off," he asked his mom, who immediately looked at you shaking your head 'no'

"Anyways,im gonna get started on dinner" his mom said turning back around to continue what she was doing before

"Get off my back!"


he rolled his eyes at you, walked over to the fridge and grab a water bottle, "Oh! give me one of those yakults!" you told him, he listened and grabbed one for you

he walked back into his rooms, you watched as placed the things down on the night stand, he paused for a bit making you a little confused, but the next thing you know is that your thrown onto the bed

"AH! SASUKE! WTF!" he laughed at you

"Hey I told you to get off before, didn't I?" you playfully roll your eyes at him

"yeah, yeah whatever"

he laughed and sat down right next you "Hey, can you pass me my drink?" he nodded reaching his hand over to grab the drink and pass it to you, but before he did, he paused taking a glance at you and back to the small drink in his hand.

you watched him in confusion as he opened your drink, you sat there smiling and thinking "oh hey that's nice of him to open it for me", your face sooner turned into a shocked one when you saw him basically chug the whole thing in one go

"DID YOU JUST DRINK MY DRINK?" you scowled at him, he turned to look at you and started laughing

"HOW DARE YOU I-, DONT LAUGH!" he kept on laughing "Fine, then I guess I won't accept your apology" you said, he stopped laughing and looked at you shocked

"Are you serious? I bought your food tho I-" he started, but you cut him off by saying "So? you dranked my yakult! and plus I told you I would make your pockets hurt, didn't I?" you turned away from him, smirking to yourself.

"I'll go get you another one, just accept my apology," he got up from his spot "Okay! now hurry get me my yakult please!" you turned back to him and grinned at him.

he left the room, and then came back with the whole packet of yakults

"Thanks Sasuke!, I forgive you now" you said and he let out a small chuckle

the two of you continued to watch movies together, and after awhile you had to go home, he had offered to walk you home and you accepted

luckily you don't live that far from him so the walk wasn't long at all, once you got to your house you turned around and surprised him by hugging so unexpectedly

"I had fun" you started "We should hang out more, just the two of us" you said, he wrapped his arms around you returning the hug.

"Yeah, we should."

a/n: that ending was kinda rushed 😩
sorry for the late update, but here it is


𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐒 | sasuke uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now