Favorite thing about you

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Ponyboy- your hands. Ponyboy can hold your hands until they are both sweaty and sticky. What can I say, he loves your hands

Soda- your eyes. Soda loves your eyes. He may fight you on it when you say your eyes are ugly, but he will fight you on it until you agree with you  

Darry- your hugs. After a long day of work, Darry just needs a damn hug and he always goes to you because he knows you give the best hugs

Dally- Your laugh. Dally can listen to your laugh on repeat. You may tell him that it sounds like a dying cat, but he doesn't care, he loves it. 

Johnny- your hair. When you guys cuddle, he will do anything and everything with you. He will braid, curl, or just mess with your hair. It is honestly so relaxing for you. 

Steve- your smile. Steve loves everything about your smiles, how your teeth look and how you light up with joy. He can't get enough of your smile.

Twobit- your legs. Twobit loves your legs because when you sit on his lap he can't stop admiring them.

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