Bad Days will Always Come.

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Slight Trigger Warning: Abuse. Not heavily discussed but does mention scars.

Catra's POV

I wake up still wrapped in Adora's arm, but sadly I hear my phone vibrating on her nightstand.

I reach over, careful not to wake her, but that didn't matter once I actually answered.

"Catra! Where the Hell are you? Prime is Livid! " Lonnie shouted into the phone

"I'm at Adora's. He already knows that I don't know why you are so uppity about it. He has eyes everywhere"

"Catra? Who's calling you? It's like 4:30" Adora said groggily

"It's Lonnie. Go back to sleep"

"His eyes only see what happens outside, and you know how he gets when he doesn't know what you're doing at all times."

"I'll stop by before school. I have to pick up clothes anyway. He can yell at me then. Until then, good night!" I hung up the phone. Adora spoke

"Why is he so worried about you if he knows where you are?" She asked.

"He likes to control everything Lonnie and I do. So when he can't send one of his goons to spy on us he gets... angry."

I feel Adora pull me tighter.

"He doesn't hit you or anything does he?" Her question made me tear up a bit

"He doesn't...hit us... but when we do something he doesn't like or we disagree with him he us a t-treatm-ment" The more I talk, the more I start to cry.

"Catra, hey, hey." She turned me around and pulled me into a deeper hug.

"You're okay, you're safe, you're with me" Her words calmed me down a bit, but I continued to cry until I fell asleep.

She woke me up again. It was 6:30

"Hey, Kitten. Wake up. You have to get ready for school"

As much as I love her calling me Kitten and don't have the emotional capacity to react to it right now.

"I have to go back to my house. I need to get some clothes." I say quietly, my throat hoarse from the crying just a few hours prior.

"Okay, I'm going with you"

"Adora, it's fine. I can handle it on my own" Prime would never do anything right before school anyway. It would look bad if I came to school with burn marks on my temples.

"I know that, but I still want to go with you. I will be your mighty protector!" She said striking a pose, hand on her hip and other arm raised in the air like she's holding a sword.

God this Wholesome dumbass is going to be the end of me

Adora gets dressed and then we go off to my house.

"I know you are my mighty protector, but you can wait right here. I'm going to get dressed and I'll be right out." I tell her so she doesn't follow me. I don't want her coming in and trying to start a fight.

"Fine, but if I hear yelling..."

"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes and laugh

As soon as I walk in the door, there he is drinking some weird kale juice

"About time you came home. What did I say about not asking permission first?"

"I did ask you permission. And I was too tired to drive when Adora and I were hanging out, so I stayed there. Considering you already knew I was there, and none of your goons saw me leave, I thought it would be the smarter decision on both our parts for me to not die in a motorcycle accident."

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