Chapter 11

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"A trap?!" Asami panicked

"they must've used someone as a distraction, while 3 sneak in" Bolin explained in a rush "and Korra took the bait"

"the chubby one is pretty smart" a unknown voice said. the group looked up from the couch to see a woman and two men with hands in their pockets. "But we didn't use 1 person as a distraction... we used 7 benders, that will hold her off for a while" the woman smirked. she had caramel skin like Korra but darker, she had long dark brown hair with green eyes.

"CHUBBY?!" Bolin was offended "i'm all muscle" he said as he took his defense stance along with Mako.

"how cute" she said sarcastically "but i'm not here to play games, i'm here for business"

The woman took out 3 rock from her pocket and turned it into lava creating a boomerang with 3 arms.

"so Hiroshi, do you have what i want?" she said sternly as the men behind her revealed their hands, their hands were covered with rock, like if they were wearing gloves made of earth.

"I can't afford it, I can pay you every month to make up for what i took" Hiroshi said as he hid Opal and Asami behind him.

" this isn't negotiable... the boss wants it NOW" she yelled as she threw her boomerang towards Mako. He dodged it, but as he did, two hand shaped rocks came flying at him, he wasn't able to react fast enough, the rock wrapped around his neck choking him. Mako fell on his knees. Bolin saw it happen and grew mad. He took control of the woman's boomerang and aimed it at the man controlling the rock around Mako's neck. the man dodged boomerang as the other man sent hand shaped rocks at Bolin, getting control over him.

"ugh... let us go" Bolin tried to speak but the rock around his neck wouldn't let him, the woman rolled her eyes, she turned her boomerang back into rock and used it as cuffs to hold Hiroshi and the girls down as the men duck tape their mouths shut.

"now let me introduce myself, my name is Kayla" the woman said walking around them. "and I want to know which one of you ladies is Asami"

"Boss said it's the one with black hair and green eyes" one of the men said

"no shit James.... they both have black hair and greean eyes" Kayla pintched the brigde of her nose. A man walked in the room and towards Kayla waiting for Promission to talk "what is it Adonis" she said. The name made Hiroshi's and Asami's eyes widen, they looked at the man 'is that our butler??' they both thought

"We lost 2 men and the rest are badly injured i'm not sure if they would make the trip back" He sand while handing her something. Kayla revealed the object, it was Korra's chain that Asami got her "we have her tied up in the truck, unconscious" Adonis notified 'He must be the mole Korra was talking about' Asami thought

"good, she will be punished for the lives she took" she smirked and walked up to the hostages and stared at them "take them all... the more the merrier"

Adonis, James and the other earthbender took them to the tuck outside. As they loaded them on to the truck, Asami noticed Korra all the way in the back of the truck, her shirt had torns and blood stains, she had a cut on her cheek and was still unconscious. Asami was about to move towards her till Adonis tied her down to make it harder to move.

"I am sorry miss Sato, business is business" he said sternly as he help tied down the rest of the hostages.

the truck drove off heading to the enemies lair. Asami stared at Korra with tears in her eyes, the whole ride there 'please still be alive, I can't lose you too'

After a 2 hour drive they made it to their destination.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time to meet the Boss" Kayla said opening the back doors of the truck. They men help the hostages out the truck. James came up to Kayla

"some of them didn't make it" he said in a saddened tone

Hiroshi saw bodies being carried in stretchers 'Holy... she's just a kid and she did that'

"James, you already know what to do with that one" she pointed at a unconicous waterbender. the man nodded and carried her the oppsite direction "Ping, Mushi, Shin, help me escort these ones to the Boss's Office"

They were taken to the "Boss's" office. There sat a man with blue eyes and black hair with a stubble, he stood up while the 5 were forced to their knees as they got the duck tape ripped off of their mouths

"Hello Hiroshi" he said with a raspy voice

"Viper" Hiroshi said sternly

"Kayla, what are the numbers?" he asked still making eye contact with Hiroshi

"You sent 10 of us, plus Adonis would be 11.... 5 dead, 3 badly injured, and 4 perfectly fine" she said

"5? 5 dead? the water tribe girl did that?" he asked as he glanced over at her

"yes sir" she bowed and handed him Korra's chain "we have her ready for entertainment sir"

"perfect" he walked up to Asami and smirked, he put the chain around her neck having her wear it "fire nation gold, it looks lovely on you" he chuckled, Asami spat on his face earning a smack from Kayla, "stubborn as your mother, and look where that got her" He said walking away "Let's go we have a show to watch and you 5 are my guest of honor"

The group made it to a large room, they went to the second floor balconies to have a better view of the room. In the center of the room they saw Korra, this time she didn't have a shirt on only a sports bra as a top, still in her black joggers, her hands were chained to the walls, making her shaped like a Y, she was on her knees with her head down expossing her back.

'where am i? why is everything pitch black' Korra thought "did I die?"

"no, you are not dead" a glowing bald man walked up to her


"yes Korra, it's Aang, you finally made your contection with your passed lives" he said as a whole group of the past Avatars appeared

"why am I here?" she asked

"you can't keep fighting, you'll die... you'll have to use the Avatar state for a chace of living" Avater Roku said

"it's time for you to access the Avatar state, you need to save Asami" Kyoshi said and one by one the Avatars tarted to vanished

"Wait! I never used the Avatar state, I don't know what to do" Korra pleaded but they all were gone

Korra gained back her conscious. As she opened her eyes she saw a woman grinning walking towards her with a whip, it was Kayla.

she looked down at Korra's blue eyes "ready for a show my little star"

A/N: Avatar state yip yip
sorry for any Errors-yami out

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