Opheliac Chapter IV "So Close, Yet So Far"

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Chapter IV

"So Close, Yet So Far"

This could not be happening. This was just a dream and she would wake up any moment now on a ship sailing faraway with Anthony at her side...

"What?" Johanna looked up from reading Anthony's note and stared at the older woman in disbelief. "He promised he'd come back for me..."

"And he will, as soon as he can." Mrs. Lovett pointed at the words on the note, trying to keep Johanna as calm as possible, noticing the tears welling in the girl's eyes. She had decided the best way to break the news to Johanna would be to let her read Anthony's note herself.

Johanna started shoving her hair back into her hat and moved to get up from the settee. "I must go to him." She said firmly.

Mrs. Lovett sighed, tired of handling the non-stop damage control, she was half tempted to just let the girl go. She did not know how much more she could take tonight, having dealt with disaster after disaster between Toby, Mr. Todd, the beadle, Anthony, and now Johanna.

Knowing that it was better for everyone involved that Johanna stay put, she grabbed onto the young girl's arm and looked sincerely into her eyes. "It isn't safe out there, dear. Anthony said he will be back and I believe he will be true to his word. The streets of London are no place for a girl like you, love, trust me."

Johanna faltered for a moment, her lips trembling before she shook off the baker's grip and replied matter-of-factly, "I can handle myself. I am not a child."

The girl was a lot more headstrong than she anticipated. Still, she pressed on and followed Johanna as she made her way to the doorway. "And how do ya think your sailor would feel if he came back and ya weren't here? For all ya know he could be here tomorrow."

Johanna stopped in the middle of the parlor and considered the older woman's words, after all, she made a point. Not only was it dangerous to wander the streets alone, especially at night, but Anthony could very well come back for her as early as tomorrow. After all, he proved his devotion to her when he risked his own life to free her from Fogg's asylum so she knew in her heart that he would do everything in his power to come back for her.

Johanna's demeanor softened and she blinked the tears from her eyes. "He saved me... If anything happened to him I-" She swallowed the lump that made its way into her throat.

Mrs. Lovett put her arm around the girl's shoulders and took the opportunity to bring Johanna back towards the fire. "I know, dear. All good things come to those who can wait, yeah?"

Tears continued to cascade down her cheeks as Mrs. Lovett sat her back down."Ya have nothing to worry about, dearie. Mr. Todd and I have it all figured out. We just have to wait for the heat to die down and you'll be off with your sailor in no time."

"But what about Mr... the beadle?" Johanna couldn't bring herself to say his name. "Is he?..."

"No sense fretting about that, like I said, it's been taken care of." Mrs. Lovett sat down next to Johanna and leaned back into the settee, muttering bitterly, "old git deserved it if ya ask me."

Johanna said nothing, thinking it best not to ask too many questions, having concluded that the less she knew what became of the beadle, the better.

After the fire died down to its smoldering embers, Mrs. Lovett managed to talk Johanna into sleeping in her bed for the night, reassuring her that she would be right outside the door if anyone were to show up. She knew the young girl was undoubtedly exhausted and it was the safest place for her, as the only window inside the room was too small for even a child to squeeze through.

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