Chapter Four ~ Liam

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December 24th, 2012


Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Liam ~ Family's All You Need

Ah, Christmas. The only time of year you get quality time with pretty much all your family. And that's exactly what I planned to do. I had gotten back to Wolverhampton yesterday, greeted by none other than mom and dad. On the way home mom had informed that Ruth, Nicola, and a friend along with other family members would be coming over for Christmas dinner. I was overjoyed that I got to see even more family that I haven't seen in ages. I didn't think I'm exaggerating when I say ages either. I was also intrigued by this so called friend Ruth and Nicola were bringing. Shouldn't she, or he, be with their family on Christmas day? I didn't dig too deep into the matter though. It's not like I could stop this mystery person from coming. Ruth and Nicola were good judges of character too. They would never bring some prat into the house. Well, whatever was going to happen, I would find out tomorrow.

"Liam! Come help decorate the tree," mom called from downstairs. I quickly took a last look at my old room and padded down the stairs, into the living room. I'd have a chance to look through my old things later. It's not everyday you can decorate a Christmas tree.

"Here to help," I greet my mom with a smile. I pick up an ornament that's already been unpacked from its storage box and walk around the tree. I had picked an ornament I made when I was about eight years old and I wanted to find the perfect spot for it.

"So Liam, are you excited for tomorrow?" mom asks, grinning.

"Of course mom. It's always good to see family," I smile.

"Are you excited to meet Ruth and Nicola's friend?" she asks.

"Well, I guess. I don't have a clue who this friend is though," I say, unsure how to answer.

"Liam, there's nothing to worry about. All Ruth does is rave about her musical skills," mom chuckles.

"Musical skills?"

"Yes. Apparently she's a very good piano player. She plays around Ruth's college campus sometimes. Ruth met her on the first day and now they're good friends," mom informs me.

"Why is she coming all the way from London to visit us? Wouldn't you want to go home to your own family?" I wonder.

"You'll have to ask Beth herself. From what I her she's fairly young. About your age," mom winks suggestively.

"Mom," I whine, "I'm not looking for anyone right now."

"I know you aren't, but that's no reason to block girls out of your vision completely."

I let out a deep sigh, "Why are you always right mom?"

"Because I've had a lot more life experience than you have," she laughs. I laugh a little with her and continue helping her decorate. About half way through dad comes in to join us and it's just like old times.

We continue decorating for the rest of the night and preparing for tomorrow's dinner. Whether mom likes to admit it or not, she gets stressed out with big holiday events. Always has, always will. When I've done as much as I can to help her I go back up to me old room. It's odd looking back at a younger version of you. You suddenly remember how easy life was and all the stupid things you did. I wonder if I'm the only one who did so many stupid things as a kid. Probably not. We've all been tempted to run away at one point or another, right? I chuckle at my own thoughts and get ready for bed. When I'm ready I get into bed and check my phone for the first time today. Thankfully, there's not too much to look at. A few tweets. Some messages from the lads. Looks like Harry got pissed off today. Gosh, that boy sometimes. He really should work on his temper. And time management. I mean, who thinks they can fly back to England on Christmas Eve. Silly boy.

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