Part 2 - Chariot Ride

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                                                             PART 2 - CHARIOT RIDE

Today is the day Eric and I are to make an impression. Octavius has a kind of 'flare,' that you don't find in a lot of people. For one, he has decided to dress us up in a 'glorious' costume that represents District 5, although Alius doesn't seem too thrilled about it.

I am roughly shoved to the full length mirror in order to see how 'fab' my costume looks for the chariot rides. The chariot rides is an activity in which all tributes ride with their district partner to the end of a long passage in front of an audience consisting of hundreds of Capitol citizens. Alius says that the only good thing coming out of this parade is the sponsors you will gain during the hunger games.

Well, a masterpiece is definately overstating the outfit. I am dressed in a glittering, silver dress that looks a little like metal when I twirl. My red hair is combed into many delicate plaits leading into a single ponytail, but is concealed as it is covered in an oval shaped glitter hat, as you could describe it. a long glittering silver veil flows down to my ankles. I can imagine the look of horror upon my face at the moment, so I change my expression to that of unsure.

"It's meant to represent a power-plant, you can tell, right?" Octavius asks a little nervously. His black and purple spotted fingernails twirl his gold hoop earring.

"Um, yes. It looks good." I lie.

Eric shuffles into the room, his cheeks red and eyes on the ground. He is so embarrased.

I can't help but laugh as he looks up at me with pleading eyes, and notice that he is in the exact same outfit as me but in a glittering suit.

"I'll leave you too alone for a second, I have to find Alius. I expect you two to behave," said Octavius as he left the room. Eric blushed.

"We look like fairies," I say, catching the veil behind me and laughing. Eric laughs back.

"Glittering faries. Can you imagine how this even looks like a power-plant?"

"No. Oh, this is going to be so embarrassing. I doubt I'm even going to gain a single sponsor if I have to ride out like this." I say, dropping the veil.

"Look on the bright side," says Eric.

"At least were not naked and covered in coal dust."

We both laugh as the mahogany entrance door opens and reveals a startled Alius and aggrivated Octavius.

"Wow,' says my mentor, picking at a sparkle on my costume.

"You look... stupid." Everybody laughs but Octavius, who slaps Alius' hand and hisses,

"Don't touch!"

As the two argue, I look around to see if any other district has a costume as ridiculous as ours. In my opinion, I think the boy from 1 looks incredibly silly, but I'll keep that to myself.  I know for sure that the audience will go wild over district 2's costume, which are simple yet elegant old fashioned gladiator suits. After a bit of looking around I finally see a costume which looks so weird I can't help but burst out laughing.

The tributes from District 6 are dressed in green and yellow costumes, and have their hair combed in a ridiculous style, while a long horn protrudes from the side of their heads.  Some designers are just plain nuts. The boy from District 11 also looks a bit strange in a farmers uniform, and his stylist is obviously feeling very annoyed with himself because his tribute is continuosly ripping the sleeves of his shirt by flexing his muscles.

Eric and I are ushered to a carriage made out of glittering silver (as well as the wheels) and are told to stand up. With all my might, I will firmly plant my feet down on the carriage floor as soon as this thing stars to move; I do not want to make a fool of myself by falling out.

The carriages are all pulled by fully grown horses. These horses are all selected by President Snow, as he has to make himself look neat and presentable. Our horses are a chocolate brown, and give off a scent like that of liquorice. The horses will pull along the vehicle of transport and lead us through the room in which we are supposed to travel through.

Alius helps me into the carriage and holds onto my shoulders and looks into my eyes deeply.

"Wave, smile and look at the audience. You want them to remember you, and they want a spectacular show. Give them one." Then he turns his back and walks away, leaving me to stare at the chesnut horses from District 4.

Finally, two large oak doors open to reveal a stampede of Capitol citizens screaming at the top of their lungs. My chariot lurches forward, and I almost fall on top of one of the horses. I scold myself, put on a nervous smile and wave from left to right. Pink, blue and yellow coloured confetti fall from the sky and I can't help but laugh at the thought of how it would blend in with District 6's hair-does.

I did not think there would be so many people; District 5 is nothing compared to this! It really is amazing.As the horses trot forwards, the crowd cheers even louder, and I hear a collective gasp. I take a moment to look behind me and am stunned at what I see.

District 12's tributes are on fire. Literately. Flames threaten to swallow Katniss and Peeta along with their midnight black horses, but somehow the pain doesn't even affect them. Maybe they have used a fake flame. They are lucky to have such a good stylist.

I turn my attention back to the citizens of the Capitol but my mind continues to waver towards how strong Katniss looks in her coal black suit, being licked by dancing flames.

Eric and I almost tumble backwards out of the cart as we stop at a halt. President Snow stands above us, his hair professionally styled though thinning, with a white repugnent rose being displayed from his coat pocket.

"Happy Hunger Games," he says in that ridiculous accent.

"And, may the odds be ever in your favour."

This time I brace myself by holding onto the rails as the carriage stoops forward again. I give one last wave to the crowd, and a single white rose is thrown to me from a Capitol citizen. I catch it with ease, but as soon as I am behind closed doors I tear it into shreds, as it reminds me too much of President Snow.

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