𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝕮𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫

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"Get the bard!" Leanne heard a manly voice shout from near a tavern

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"Get the bard!" Leanne heard a manly voice shout from near a tavern.

Once she had a clearer view of the tavern, she dismounted her mare, tying it to a post. The girl heard a faint screech-like sound that almost sounded girly, but it was probably said bard. So she ignored it and walked inside the tavern and took a seat at one of the back tables. The place wasn't as crowded as she thought it would be but she still kept hood on and hid in the shadows of the candle-lit place.

Not too long after she had sat, a waitress smiled kindly and asked her if she wanted something to drink to which she simply responded with a dry "ale", getting a nod from the waitress as she walked away to get it.

"I heard that she slept with his wife."

"I heard that Aldric walked in while they were doing it." the patrons sitting on the table behind her bickered about who she could only think could be the bard.

"You know what happened to the last man that tried to touch her, Aldric has no mercy." that made her head perk up, paying more attention after she heard the name.

The drink she ordered was placed in front of her as their conversation went on, whispering about all the motives the man, Aldric, could have considered to go after the bard.

After a few sips from the rather disgusting ale, she put down a coin on the table, stood up, and walked toward the backdoor that led to the alley where she had heard the men. As she opened the door, she thanked the gods for the poor lighting that only a torch provided the narrow alley.

Closing the door behind her with carefulness so it wouldn't make any loud sounds and alert the men there, she looked towards the deserted street she could see at the end of the alley, and then she turned her head to look at the men. Leanne calculated the situation in her head. Three men were standing over a corner where she could only assume the bard was, possibly on the floor. Of the three men, one of them was her target, but she doubted the other men would let her walk away peacefully after killing him.

So she walked quietly towards them while she unsheathed a small blade from her belt.

"Hey-" the man closest to her was interrupted by a hard blow on his cheek that made him hit his head on the stone wall of the contiguous house, knocking him out.

Dodging the other's man blow that was coming straight towards her face and feeling how her hood no longer was covering her face because of the rapid movement, she gripped more tightly the blade on her hand and stabbed the man in the stomach, quickly taking the blade out to regain her posture, unlike the man that was now bleeding out rapidly who lost his balance, falling on the floor.

Her target took a hold of her arm and twisted it, a small grunt slipped between Leanne's lips as she dropped her weapon. Taking advantage of the position they were in she kicked one of his knees, making him lose his balance and stumble backward, hitting the brick wall. With skillfulness that came from having as much training as she had had, she took a small blade from one of her pockets and didn't lose any time in slitting the man's throat.

Adrenaline still rushing through her veins and her breathing agitated, she cleaned the blade on her cloak and picked up the one on the floor to hide them again in her clothes. Leanne approached who must've been the bard slowly.

"Please, don't kill me," he begged, his voice coming out in a small thread, his hands covering his face with his palms outwards, his figure curled up into a corner of the alley on the floor.

The girl held out her hand and waited for him to uncover his face. "If I were to kill you, you would be dead already." 

The bard slowly took his hands out of the way, letting Leanne see his face. He had beautiful blue eyes but one of them sadly was more accentuated by the black around it from a punch he probably had received from one of the men. He reached for her hand, the other on the stone wall behind him to also help him up as she helped him get onto his feet.

"You saved me." his voice came out soft, as he looked into her eyes and her face, which probably was painted by specs of mud and blood.

"I didn't save you," her voice came out in a stern tone, her expression as serious as ever as she started to walk away. "I was doing my job."

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