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[New Text To: Stephen Tries]
I got your letter! Cant wait to see you :)

One more day until Alex was coming- One more day. I tapped my foot on the floor as I looked at the clock again, all my papers in my hands.

"You're nervous?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow as she handed me a glass of water

"Of course I am"

"Is it for seeing your friend more than the meeting?"

"Yes, what if he thinks i've changed"

"I doubt it- They'll probably be more excited to see you than anything" She shrugged heading back to her desk I nodded to myself and looked up again when I heard the office door open

"Jordyn, come on in"

"Hi Mr Greenwald- I mean Nick. How are you?" I smiled as I tookd a seat.

"I'm good. And yourself?"


"Sinai won't be joining us today, is that alright? We can reschedule if you need"

"No sir, I have my papers and my new managers contact information. I didn't know who to choose but one of the cards you gave me currently represents a few of the people in my apartment complex"
I handed him the papers and he skimmed over them as I spoke

"Wonderful- And for the music video have you had a chance to look over it all?"

"Yes, I have. But I was actually wondering if we could perhaps make a video for a new song I haven't released yet"

"If you can bring us a recording, I can see what we can do"
I pulled a USB from my bag and handed it to him. We talked for a while longer and discussed work. When he said I could leave, he opened the door for me

"Oh right- I've been following you online recently." He said, his face expressionless "I hope your friend Alex has a safe flight. You two really seem to care about each other"

I smiled at him and left the office swiftly, stopping at the reception desk and waiting for Elizabeth to look up from her computer.

"I know you said you can't understand Texan accents, but would you like to come for dinner with Jonah and I tonight? And of course, Carlisle"

"Definitely! Text me the details, I finish in an hour"

"Wonderful" I wave a quick goodbye and start my walk back to the complex, the walk home is the only time I truly feel alone. So I try to distract myself my listening to music or trying to write some lyrics on my hand with the pen in my pocket.
Currently all my hand says is

fading fast

Not sure what that means yet, but maybe one day.
I walk past my apartment, and Jonah's, to Mrs Crowley's apartment. The nice woman that lives 2 units down.
She's sitting in the garden, reading a book with her granddaughter, Hope, playing with Carlisle on the grass.

"Hey buddy" I coo as I open the gate and the small ball of blonde fur runs towards me
"Thank you for taking care of my boy"

"Nana said that if I took good enough care of Carlisle one day I could get my own puppy" Hope grinned, flashing a smile with a few missing teeth

I put my pen back on the paper and sighed, looking to Carlisle who was asleep on a beanbag.

"What do you think? Not good enough?"

He tilted his head slightly which I took as a yes, quickly erasing the lines I had just written.

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