Chapter 2

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Korra ran a hand through her mussed hair, surveying the mess that had overtaken the kitchen. When she'd enlisted Yasuko's help in cooking breakfast, she'd thought it would be an adorable bonding experience. Now, she saw the flaws in her plan: flaws like the batter dripping from an overturned mixing bowl into a steadily growing puddle on the floor, and the smoke streaming from a pot she'd removed from the stove a few minutes too late.

She'd ignored all those problems in favor of serving Asami a delicious and filling breakfast, but now her mate was gone, headed off to work with her belly full of fresh, warm dumplings, leaving Korra with a nightmare to tame before evening. She could technically ask the servants, but since the mess was much bigger than usual, not to mention all her fault, she felt responsible.


Yasuko leapt at Korra's legs, throwing both arms around them. Korra barely managed to steady herself in time.

Not to mention looking after two overactive pups. At least only one of them can walk...

A shrill cry came from the high chair where Korra had seated Hiroshi, and she winced.

... but the other one sure has an impressive set of lungs.

She took a deep breath.

Come on, Korra. You're the Avatar! You've faced bigger challenges than this. You can take care of your own babies without anyone else's help. Asami did it on her own with Yasuko for three years.

"Mom? It smells like burning."

Forcing a grin, Korra decided to handle things one step at a time. Hiroshi was crying up a storm, and Yasuko was covered in flour and batter. Cleaning the kitchen could wait for a quieter time in the afternoon, preferably while they were both napping, but cleaning the pups themselves needed to happen soon.

"I know it does, Yasu. That's left over from the first batch of dumplings we cooked for too long. There isn't any actual burning..."

A plume of smoke wafted from the burner as a stray speck of batter simmered in the stove's dying heat. With a sigh, Korra bent some water from the sink and splashed it over the smoldering remnants before anything could actually catch fire.

"How about we clean this up later and give you and your brother a bath?"

That seemed to pacify Yasuko. "Bath! Yeah!" she bellowed, bouncing excitedly on her toes. Korra was pleased to note that she'd single-handedly changed her daughter's opinion on baths, mostly because it was a chance for the two of them to practice waterbending.

One down, one to go.

Hiroshi was easier. He stopped crying as soon as Korra unbuckled him from his high chair and rested him against her chest. He waved his pudgy fists, grabbing onto both sides of her hair and pulling mercilessly.

"Ouch! Hiroshi, please—"

The booming sound of the Sato Mansion's doorbell rang through the halls, echoing all the way to the kitchen. Korra sighed. She really should go see who was calling, but with one pup pulling on her hair and the other tugging at her pants, she wasn't exactly in a position to do so.

"Mom, door!"

"I know, Yasu. One of the servants will answer it for us..."

Yasuko sprinted out of the kitchen, completely ignored Korra's statement in her haste to get to the foyer. Korra hefted Hiroshi in her arms and hurried after, unwilling to be left behind. She wasn't in any sort of state to receive company, but her pup's enthusiasm left her little choice.

With a flour-stained face, and Hiroshi still pulling mightily at her hair, Korra stumbled down the hall and into the foyer. She'd mostly overcome her awkwardness at living in such a large home over the past year, but the feeling of insignificance closed in on her again as she approached the front door. Perhaps it had to do with the mess — surely visitors to the Sato estate weren't accustomed to being greeted in such a manner.

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