Chapter 31

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Palpatine stood at the end of the aisle, glaring at her. She ignited her lightsaber and held it at her waist but pointed it at the ground for now. He didn't say anything, which put Saasha at even more unease.

"Why did you do this?! Anakin trusted you!" she shouted at the Sith. She felt anger building up inside of her, which wasn't like her. She reminded herself that getting angry wasn't the Jedi way and quickly released her anger into the force before she did something she'd regret.

"That was the whole point, child. Your master was the epicentre of this plan." he laughed with an evil twist to it.

"What do you want with him?" she growled. She held her lightsaber in front of herself now and was slowly inching out of the aisle into a bit of a bigger space. She was indeed terrified, but when it came to her family, the fear mostly washed away and was replaced with protectiveness and determination.

"He is the key to building a new Empire. One that will finally bring peace and security to the entire galaxy." he spat as his mood changed.

"With you ruling the galaxy, the only thing you would cause is chaos, death and pain." she snarled. She was now out of the aisle and in the center of the archives. Palpatine stepped out of the aisle as well, and they started circling each other, like lions preparing for a fight.

"You and I have very different perspectives on peace clearly. You seem to think that war is peace. I am trying to end that war by building this empire." he snapped.

"You are the one who started this war!" She shouted before continuing, "Anakin will never join you," she said with as much determination and harshness as possible, which was not typically in her nature.

"You'd be surprised," was all Sideous said before he lunged his two lightsabers towards her.

She blocked the deadly attack and gathered as much energy as she could to kick him back. She somehow managed to land her heel on the Sith's chest, which pushed him back slightly. She swung at him in the moment of distraction, but he blocked her swing with ease. Their blades clashed, and their faces were close together. The only thing separating them was the glowing lightsabers between them.

"I see Skywalker taught you well," Palpatine spoke with venom in his voice.

"He's the best master I could hope for," she replied, as confident as possible before she released her blade from the lock and backflipped to put some distance between her and this monster.

The two continued to exchange blows at each other, although Saasha was mostly on defence.

She was honestly surprised that she had lasted this long.

But just as she thought that, she was suspended into the air and felt her throat start to close. She heard her lightsaber hilt hit the marble ground beneath her and distinguish itself.

She gasped for air as her feet still hovered above the floor.

Just before she felt like her lungs had run out of air completely, she was dropped to the hard, cold floor beneath her with a thud and she heaved in deep breathes of oxygen.

She got a couple of breaths before she felt a stinging pain dance around her body. She managed to see lightning flowing from Palpatine's fingers before she squeezed her eyes shut in pain.

She bit her lip hard as she tried to prevent a yell from escaping out of her lips. Her heart felt like it was beating a million miles a minute, and she wasn't sure how long she could tolerate this.

She almost cracked and opened her mouth when the pain suddenly stopped. The sound of crackling electricity subsided.

When she opened her eyes, Palpatine was now standing beside her, as she was laying on the floor, with one of his ruby lightsabers raised above his head, about to bring it down upon her and end this all.

The lightsaber swung down, and she squeezed her eyes shut.


Palpatine came at him like 100 mph😂

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Palpatine came at him like 100 mph😂

Palpatine came at him like 100 mph😂

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There's always a bigger fish

Is it bad that I still do this😂

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Is it bad that I still do this😂

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