Part 1

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It was barely eight o'clock, and yet the sun had set. Leaving a mist of unknown in its wake. Margo laid there, unsure of her next move. Though it was considerably earlier than her usual bedtime, she had to be well rested for the event the next day. 

The Wedding.

As she lay there, telling her mind to simmer, she just couldn't let herself sleep. Sitting up, she put on a pair of hotel slippers, not wanting her bare feet to come in contact with the cold ceramic.

Glancing to her left, was a huge glass door. In all the commotion of setting down her belongings, she hadn't realized she had access to her own private balcony. She grabbed her windbreaker before setting her sights on a dainty wicker chair.

The waves slowly taunted the shore, as it swayed back and forth, back and forth. Almost as if they were small children, playing an outlandish game of sorts. Margo was mesmerized by the serene view, as the moon snuck its way into the sky.

A light buzz startled her, causing the chair to wobble. Tempted by the notification, she reached into her pocket, to once again pull herself back to reality.

Cal had posted his ten month anniversary. She was happy for him, knowing that he could only deserve good things, but unfortunately it wasn't able to subdue the feeling of regret enveloping her core.

"Damn," she sighed under her breath, "If I knew, I wouldn't have done it." salty rain drops slipped into her vision, momentarily soothing her head ache.

"Please," she cried, not sure who she was questioning.

"I would give anything to go back, just for one minute!" wiping away her tears, she slipped her phone back into her pocket, shaking her head with no one to blame but herself.

The once playful waves turned aggressive as they crashed into the shore. Rain stumbled onto her, lightly cleansing her person.

You need to jump.

A voice deep within her being tormented.

You need to jump.

Thunder roared against the water, silvery shards slicing through the air.

You will never be happy in this lifetime

"No!" she wrestled with herself, gripping onto the balcony for support, as the daggers of precipitation hurled themselves at her.

I should pity you, marinating in your own guilt. Cal hasn't thought about you since.


In fact you did him a favour, letting him slip away so easily.


I thought you would have at least tried to reach out to him. To give yourself some piece of hope.

She couldn't respond since she was using all her strength to keep herself from slipping. She could no longer see, puddles of confusion blinding her.

He doesn't care

She dug her nails into the linoleum flooring, her pruney fingers losing grip with each second, as she struggled to rid herself of the shame.

Trust me, you need to do this.

Margo grunted, desperately trying to grip the intricate metal bars as the force of the rain pushed against her

Margo, get over yourself.

Margo blinked her eyes open, and was able to make out the railing. She reached for it, pulling her torso up with her. She was now standing; trembling, her eyes barely open.


She leapt over the banister, sailing for a moment into the unknown. Her vision was muddled with colourless warmth, despite her cold exterior. Her body and mind were taken over by an outer being. She had no control of what happened next.

I am very proud of you. You decided to take this risk, which I didn't think you had in you. I have decided to help you out, by obliging with your request. You will have sixty seconds exactly, to go back to the night it all began. Although I am watching over you, you will have full control of your actions. If you do not accomplish what you have set out to do in the given time frame, then you will come back to your reality empty handed. Succeed, and you change the reality of yourself, and those closest to you. The choice is yours.

When I Was Your AgeWhere stories live. Discover now