Hopes and Curiosities

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Unknown POV

Long ago when the land was still very young; many centuries before trolls knew of music. Deep within a dark depths where the sunlight never touches. Where the flora glows when touched and home to a... Musica. This is where this story begins; with the hardship and pain. Yet a single Spark of Hope starts to shine from the dark depths. This Spark is the only one of its kind left now; there are no others. They will always be alone for the rest of their lives. Cursed to live forever since it gave up six fragments of its heart. Yet this particular Musica grows tired of being alone, however they still protect the sea; their home.

Do you wonder what may befall a Musica when they get bored. When they decided to go up top to the land and into the forest there. Or what will happen if they create an instrument to make music. To allow beautiful and stunning melodies to carry far into the cold, silent night of the dark forest. Will they be discovered by intruders, will they hide from them or stand their ground. Or perhaps will they be silenced forevermore to come? What happens when this being meets trolls for the very first time. When the trolls hear the voice of a Musica; how will the trolls react. What happened for the trolls to receive the gift of music. How do the trolls get their Music Strings to play music in the first place?

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