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Ashley lies in a cold room, twisted, broken. A thread wraps around her toe. Several people stand over her with makeup and wire, ready to turn her to temporary art.


She lies on her back in the hospital room, listening to monitors beep. Medication is starting to wear off. She hurts all over. No amount of effort could move her legs. Lethargy prevents her from moving her arms.

A nurse walks in, smiling, oblivious. He gives her another shot of morphene, tells a joke.

She doesn't respond. She looks at the door. He understands and leaves.


The funeral comes soon enough. Everyone dresses in grays, blues, or blacks. Only Laura cries. She's young. She's allowed.

Bonnie is wheeled in by some orderly. Those who know her try not to stare. They remember who she was, jolly but fake.

They were all fake. Even Ashley.

Allen and Drake sit together as if they know each other. Drake has a stiff upper lip, trying to hold back emotions he couldn't admit he has. Certainly, he was her lover, but he is still a man. He models himself after Allen, who does not feel but thinks he should.

Clemente watches the funeral proceedings with regret. She should have known. She should have known, but she was a  fool. She knows Bonnie must feel worse, but does nothing about it.

Joshua stares at Bonnie as he delivers the eulogy. He blames her for everything, for making him repeat this cycle. Only the eyes of the others stop him from letting the anger take hold.

Laura says a few words, but is stopped by a river of tears. The mic squeals in agony.

Eventually the process is over. The facade of a ceremony ends. Everyone leaves of their own accord.

The family of the deceased follow the corpse to its final destination. The heat of the moment is intense, but it doesn't last. What was once human has turned into grey flakes and white mineral, all housed in clay. The last identifier is a silver plate bearing a name and two dates.

It will go with the other.




Authour's Note: I hope you're liking this story so far. Let me know what you think about it. What should happen next?

Thanks to indiegrunge_ for the new cover!

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