The Lair

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The guard had seen over and over again those black sticky balls that Syndrome created... they are slimy, stick to anything and expand quickly. Also, they swallow their victim by shooting them a lot of those balls... their existence was like a fantasy come true to him. He really wanted to be captured by the sticky balls. He couldn't take it anymore, so he infiltrated Syndrome's lair.

Upon entering, he walked into the front of the computer, then repeatedly entered random passwords, waiting for the alarm system to activate. Then he realized he acomplished his goal, as the lights turned on suddenly, and many cannons apperead out of the walls. He immediatly ran at full speed before they started shooting, trying to escape, expecting to keep some sticky balls for him after he escapes. He reached the halfway point of the bridge, and a sticky ball was shot to his left cheek. He quickly ripped it off and tucked it into his pants to prevent the ball from sticking to the floor. He laid on his stomach while feeling the softness of the goo ball sticking to his crotch, then he puts his hands under it so that he could hump the sticky ball. The pleasure was greater than he could have imagined, as many sticky balls were hittng his back and his legs while another one was quickly expanding between his legs. One of them hit him on the cheek, and he controlled his urge to use it as a pillow, knowing it would stick to the floor.When he finished enjoying the sticky balls he felt incredible, as the back of his body was almost completely covered.

He decided it was time to leave the room, so he began to get up. However, now thinking clearly he realized that he made a mistake: Now that the sticky ball between his legs was almost three times as large, he couldn't even walk properly. Also, when he got up he realized that the balls not only increased their size, but also their weight. He was in trouble. He tried to get to the exit by jumping with both legs. At the same time the cannons shot at him in his chest and stomach. He barely advanced a little bit when he tripped and was facedown on the ground again. He struggled hard to try to free himself, but it was too late. Knowing that he could no longer escape, he decided to accommodate his hands under the sticky ball in his crotch and began to hump it again, now feeling goo balls expanding below him. "It was totally worth it" he thinks.

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