A Policy And A Favor

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"No, we simply cannot!" Opal slammed a long document onto the congress room table.

Penni recoiled. "Opal, I wrote that. I personally think we should institute a no-mask no-service policy. We could save thousands of lives."

Stephanie nodded, letting her black hair down. "She's right."

Opal shook her head. Jonathon stole a glance at his crush, who's hair just happened to look amazing like this. He so wanted to spew out his feelings like a volcano—and only hope Stephanie felt the same. But she probably didn't.

Or did she?

—No, she simply did not.

"I'm sorry, but the answer is no," Opal shrugged. "There's only one thing left to do."

Stephanie grimaced. She knew what that thing was—and it involved her new least favorite Aussie.

Holly Ryan.

"We can't bring Holly back," Stephanie pushed. "Please, she causes nothing but trouble."

Jonathon nodded. "I rode back with Stephanie from work last night, and Holly fell out of her limo. She was lying on the road, and could have easily died."

"So she technically owes you," Timothy wiggled his eyebrows. "That could work."

"Yes, Timothy," Opal agreed. "Who knows, maybe she had a change of heart?"

"After what?" Stephanie spat. "Her head being bonked on the roof? Besides, she didn't even thank us after we saved her!"

Whitney rolled her eyes. "That's Holly Ryan."

"What's so me?"

Holly was standing in the doorway, looking much more sober. Her hair was in a tight ponytail, wearing a yellow pantsuit. "Because I just came by to say sorry about last night. I...wasn't at my best."

"Yeah, obviously," Timothy rolled his eyes. "You grabbed my face and kissed me, then slapped me really hard."

"And I apologize!" Holly sighed, leaning against the table. "I really just felt wrong. Also, I'm gonna stop drinking from now on, because I almost endangered the America-Australia bond."

"Got that right," Stephanie scowled. "You shouldn't have the damaged pride to show your face here."

"Well, I have it," Holly flicked a strand of hair. "And I'm here to make amends. So the question is—,"

She faced the entire administration. "—how can I make it up to you all?"

Opal straightened up. "You can leave. And now."

"Fine, fine," Holly rolled her neck around. She got up to leave, but faced Jonathon and Stephanie. "And thanks for saving my ass last night. You two make an adorable couple."

The two shared an awkward glance. Stephanie snorted. "Oh, Jon and I? No, we're friends."

Jonathon's heart sank a bit. "Yeah, just friends."

Holly's face fell. "Oh, well maybe you should go for it. Anyway, see you all around!" She and her entourage left the room.

"What the hell was she thinking?" Whitney gaped. "To show up here after last night?"

"I know," Penni grimaced. "So wrong."

"Let's all move on," Opal said. "We'll talk about the plan after a small break."  

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