1. Leaving

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A/N the first chapter guys :)


"Ellie hurry up!" my mum yelled to me as I slammed the lid of my suitcase shut with a bang.

"Coming." I yelled back to her. I pulled my suitcase off my bed roughly and dragged it down the stairs behind me.

"Why do we have to go?" I grumped to mum as I passed her in the hallway.

"I've already told you Ellie." Mum sighed to me as I handed my luggage to Dad as he packed it into the car. I groaned and trudged back inside.

"Your looking extra badass today." My brother Mitch smirked from beside me as he leaned against the wall watching me.

"Fuck off." I growled at him. He laughed off my curse and ruffled my hair before walking out the door to help dad with our suitcases.

"Jerk." I sneered at his back before trudging back up the stairs. I tried to fight the feeling of sadness that was welling up inside me. I ran my hands over the walls as I stepped into my now empty bedroom.

I can't believe we're leaving. I've lived here all my life. Stupid fucking illuminati! It's ruined my life. If only I wasn't the fucking heir!

I banged my head against the wall as I attempted to knock the thoughts right out of my head. I screamed out with pain as my temple collided with the corner of my window frame. My body shook with sobs as I slid to the ground, crying with pain, anger and sadness for the first time.

I heard footsteps enter my room. I glanced up to see that it was Mitch. I quickly stood up and swiped my hand over my eyes. He just looked at me and pulled me into a hug. We stood there for what seemed like forever, me sobbing quietly into his shirt while Mitch just stoked my head soothingly.

"It's ok. It's going to be fine" he cooed to me. I pulled back slowly and looked him in the eye.

"Thankyou." I whispered.

"Don't worry sis." he said as he kissed me on the forehead in a typical big brotherly fashion. He turned to leave

"Uh Elle."


"You look like a panda." he said before rushing out of the room. I groaned. Nice Mitch was gone and shit head Mitch was back.

I stepped into my bathroom to see that I did actually look like a panda. I groaned internally as I tried my best to get the black streaks off my face. My wavy hair was fluffy at the back i attempted to smooth it down. When I was satisfied I took one last walk around the house. I ran my hands over the walls as I remembered all the memories that were stored in these walls

The exact place where I got my first kiss, where I took my first steps, where I broke my arm, we're mum and I had our first fight.

I took one last look around the place before stepping out the door to join my brother. He put his arm around my shoulder pulling me in for an awkward half hug.

"It sucks that we have to go." He whispered to me as Dad locked the door for one final time. I slowly turned and walked to our car. The silver Chrysler. I got into the back and shut the door, plugging my earphones in I blasted my music.

I wouldn't talk. I knew I'd choke up. I hated leaving. All my friends, my life. Not that I had many anyway I just didn't like leaving. I gazed at the house as Dad pulled out of the driveway. As we drove further away the house got smaller and smaller. Just like my hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2012 ⏰

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