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A/N please no hate in this book. It is just a fan-fiction. Nothing in this is true. If I get any facts wrong please feel free to correct me. I am currently researching on the Illuminati and I am definatly not part of it.


"You're the heir."

Those were the last words I expected to hear on my 15th birthday. I was the heir. The heir to what?

The Illuminati.

I guess I'm your average 15 year old. I'm in high school. I'm not popular but I'm not a nerd, I'm average. I have friends and I do well. I'm from a slightly upper class family. We can afford the luxuries in life. My dads and accountant, my mums a nurse. I have an older brother and a dog.

Most people wouldn't think we would have anything to do with the Illuminati, well I didn't think we did. I thought it was all conspiracy but I guess not. It was that dreadful moment when my parents told me, my own brother didn't even know! I won't know why they told me now or why they didn't tell me earlier or even if they never told me at all. Its all to confusing.

So now I lay on my bed, my mind ticking over with thoughts. Yes I have googled the Illuminati so yes I know what they are. A secret society. An unknown religion.

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