Chapter 8: A Rough Day

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**Before we start, I changed Briella's age to 6 because I feel like it works more in the story.**

The team was in a meeting discussing a case. Briella, Henry, and Jack were at school. Michael was with Will at home. Emily was nervous that they would have to leave because Briella has had some trouble in school with bullies. They had gotten the school involved but it was still happening. Emily offered her to switch schools and Reid even offered to homeschool Briella, but she didn't want to leave because she made some friends and liked her teachers. "Wheels up in 40." Ugg. She had to leave Briella.

She decided to head home to repack her go-bag and call her school to let them know that she was going home with Henry. He was seven years older, but they were still in the same building. She would spend the night at JJ and Will's house during this case because it was all hands on deck. While she was on the phone, the office called Briella and Henry down to speak with Emily. They arrived and Briella spoke first. "Hi mom!"

"Hi babes! Is Henry with you?" "Yeah." "Okay. I have to go on a case in California okay? You are going to go home with Henry and sleep over at his house until we get back. After Will picks you up from school, he is going to take you home to pack a bag. Okay?"

"Okay mommy. I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too Bri. I love you." "Love you too!" And with that, Emily hung up and continued to drive to the airport.


The jet was taking off and they finished going over victimology. Emily was sitting by the window, beside JJ and Spencer and Rossi were across from them. "Missing her already?" JJ asked. "Yeah. But it's different this time. She's been being bullied at school but she doesn't want to leave. I've tried getting the school involved but nothing is working. I just feel so bad for her. She's been through so much already." They all nodded silently in agreement.


"I hope your "mom" dies during the case." Ava was in a higher grade than Briella and knew that Briella was vulnerable when Emily was on cases and that it was getting under her skin. Briella already didn't feel well that day and Ava's comment made her feel even worse. Briella ran to her favorite teacher's room, Mrs. Hudek, crying. Her grade was on lunch so Mrs. Hudek was sitting at her desk eating a salad and grading papers. When she saw the little girl come in, she immediately put down her pen and looked at her. "What's wrong sweetheart?" "Ava. Can you call Henry?" Henry was one of the only people that could calm Briella down at school. He was like a big brother to her. "Yes." She grabbed the phone and dialed Henry's teacher. He sent Henry up to Mrs. Hudek's room, knowing the circumstances.

Henry came into the room and once he saw Briella, he opened his arms and she ran to him.  "I miss Emi." "I miss my mom too B, but we'll see them when they get back! We can call them tonight before bed too!"

"We can?" She looked up. "Yeah!" Henry hugged her tighter. "Ava said that she hopes that Emily dies." "That's not going to happen bri. She loves you too much to ever leave you." Henry gave the top of her head a kiss and hugged her until she calmed down. "Will you be okay if I go back to class now?" Briella nodded and gave him one more squeeze before letting him go. He waved goodbye and went back to his class.

When Henry left the room, Mrs. Hudek went over to the girl and lead her to the bathroom to clean the dried tears off of her face. When they got there, Mrs. Hudek grabbed a paper towel and ran it under cold water. She began to clean her face off when she felt how hot she was. "Why Miss Briella it seems like you have a fever. Let's get you to the nurse." Briella followed behind the teacher all the way to the nurse's office.

"Hi! And what brings you here today?" The nurse looked up from her desk. "I think she has a fever. She feels hot." "Okay just come over here with me and I'll take your temperature." Briella followed the nurse over to the table and she took her temperature. "99.9. That's a fever. I'm afraid you will have to go home miss Briella. Why don't you go pack your bag and I'll call your mom. Just come back so we can wait for her."

"She can't pick me up. She's on a case. Henry's dad is supposed to take me home today." "Oh okay. I'll call him then." Briella nodded and Mrs. Hudek lead her out to take her back to her classroom to gather her things. She packed up and headed back to the nurse's office but before she left Mrs. Hudek's room, the teacher called, "Feel better soon Bri!" She nodded and walked down the hallway.

When she got to the nurse's office, the nurse let her lie down on a bed while she waited for Will to come get her. A few minutes after she came into the office, Henry showed up with his backpack. "Why are you here?" She asked him when he sat in the chair by her bed. "Dad wanted me to come home with you so he didn't have to make another trip here." Briella nodded and started to fall asleep.

About 10 minutes after she fell asleep, Will came with Michael to pick them up. Michael was 4 but his preschool only was Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and today was Wednesday. When Henry saw Will, he gently shook the sleeping 6 year old awake. "Bri. My dad's here. Wake up." Briella fluttered her eyes open and sat up. She stood up when Will came by her. He picked up her backpack and Henry took Michael's hand. Will picked Briella up and they walked out of the office and to the car. Henry helped get Michael into his car seat and Will put Briella down on the other backseat and Henry sat upfront in the passenger.

They drove the ten minutes back to JJ and Will's house. Briella struggled to keep her eyes open. When they arrived, Will opened the car door for Briella and Henry got Michael and they headed inside. Briella collapsed on the couch in the living room which was where she usually slept when she was at their house. Their couch was really comfy so she didn't mind it. Henry put down his backpack and got her a blanket from his room. He laid it down on her almost asleep figure and almost as soon as he did, she was out.

"Hey Henry, why don't you go to Emily's house and get her some clothes for the next couple of nights." They lived just around the corner from Emily and Briella's penthouse so Will trusted him to go and get her a few things. "Okay." And with that, Henry grabbed his phone and started walking over. 


A couple hours went by. Henry finished his schoolwork, Michael took a nap beside Briella, and Will made dinner. Both Briella and Michael were awoken by the smell of Grilled cheese and tomato soup. Henry brought some out to the livingroom for Michael and Will brought some for Briella. Henry turned on a movie that everyon wanted before sitting down to eat his own food. "Briella I want to take your temperature again before you fall asleep." She nodded and continued to eat. "Can I facetime Emi?" "Yeah sure just eat your dinner first." Briella ate until she was full and done. Henry and Briella both finished at about the same time so Henry took her plate to the kitchen for her. Before she could lay back down, Henry brought the thermometer, tylenol, and a cup of water for her to drink. She took her temperature. "99.8." "That's lower than when you were at school."

"Can I call Emi now?" Will nodded and set it up for her on his phone. The phone rang and then Emily appeared. "Hi Mommy!" "Hi babes! So I heard you got sick at school and Will came to pick you up." "Yeah. I feel a little better now." "That's good. I'm going to let you go back to sleep okay?" "Okay. I miss you." "I miss you too Bri." Briella handed the phone back to Will and he went into his and JJ 's bedroom and shut the door.

"How is she? Be honest." "She has a slight fever and I gave her some children's tylenol to help with the fever. She's really tired but that makes sense." "Okay. Thanks for taking care of her." "Anytime. I'm happy Henry is here to help too." "Okay well tell her I said goodnight." "Will do." And with that he hung up and went into the livingroom to find all 3 kids laying on the couch, fast asleep.

Word count: 1555

**A bit of a longer chapter to make up for my writers block.**

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