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" I was wonder if you can help me Dr I'm looking for someone special" I look up from the new look hospital sheets to see none other then Marshall mathers himself holding a large bunch of flowers.
" Marshall what the fuck are you doing here" I say shocked.
" came to make sure your ok ofcorse" he said walking closer to me.
" Don't worry I've been tested. I ain't got any thing" he smile weakly as he walks over to my bed.
" have you been crying" I ask looking at the dark rings around he's swollen pink eyes.
" maybe" he said putting the flowers on the bedside table and sitting down next to my bed.
" no kiss" I ask.
" I didn't think you'd want me to kiss you" he said looking up at me.
" what made you think that. Just kiss quick before anyone see" I say smiling.
He leans forward and pulls down he's mask and gently kiss me.
" haw are you filling" he asks.
" a lot better naw that I can think straight and see clearly"
" there's no way you ever see straight around me" he laughs weakly.
" true" I chuckle.

" you scared the shit out of me andre"
" I'm sorry I didn't plan on having a brain aneurysm" I say looking back at him.
" I know. You just scared me that's all I can lose you. You know that" Marshall said looking down at the ground.
" baby look at me. I ain't going nowhere the doctor they fixed me up good. They say I can go home in a couple of days along as everything is OK" I say tacking he's hand.
" I know your strong I just...... I love so much it just scares me when something like this happens" he said squeezing my hand gently.
" I love you too. That brings me to the fact that you aren't suppose to be here"
" I do a lot of things I'm not suppose " he winks.
" was you safe. Keep your dissents from people. Wash your hands?"
" andre you asking more questions then Paul did" Marshall larth.
" I bet he's pissed at you" I laugh.
" let's just say he won't book me a flight and told me if I want to be here I'd have to drive" Marshall said.
" wow hold on you drove all the way here" I ask shocked.
" I had to see you" he smiles.
" you didn't have to do that baby" I say before kissing the back of he's hand.
" yeah I did I had to see that your ok with my own eyes"
" I really appreciate this Marshall but you code of let me know I would of got you a flight"
" but then it would of been a surprise and wires the fun in that" he smiles
" good I love you " I smile.
" I love you too. Your going to get better aren't you" Marshall asks wored.
" You know I will. I got to so I can spend more time with you" I smile widely.
" your so corny"
" but you love my corny shit"
" I love everything about you"
" naw hows the corny one" I laugh.

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