Welcome to Babydolls Topless.

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[A/N: Bitch I'm back, on popular demand. And I made some changes so make sure you read.]


THE MUSIC is loud, the lights are flashing and I watch with ease. I smile at a few of the other girls who walk past getting ready to perform. It feels like I've been gone for years and now I'm back here. I'd just came back from a week vacation that was very much needed. I spent majority of my time barefoot in oversized t-shirts, but now I had to get back into the routine of tight vests and clear six inch heels.

I was back to being glamorized. I was back to being put back in a spotlight and dancing for men with wedding rings on their fingers. My black hair was straightened which allowed it to cascade down my back, I made sure to beat my face as best as I could, making sure my highlight was perfect and my body was glistening as well with the help of body lotion which had glitter in it. I smelled of Marc Jacobs' perfume too and all of these things made me confident that I'd get at least a grand tonight.

Dancing was something I was good at. I was a cheerleader back in middle and high school whenever I was living with my dad in the states and when I came back to London due to the fact my parents remarried I did ballet for two years straight.

Stripping was... a different type of dancing, obviously. Every other job I had gotten was great. Before working here at Babydolls Topless I worked on a sales floor, being a telemarketer and before I even did that I did the typical retail shit. However at the end of the day, selling t-shirts to schools and folding clothes at stores like Top Shop and ASOS didn't take care of my child.

Kids were expensive. Adding on to that, I also became a mother at a young age and my boyfriend at the time left me alone to raise his child by myself. My own parents kicked me out of their house soon after I had found out, my mom telling me to never call her phone until I found Jesus in my heart. "It's a terrible sin what you did, Bianca" she had hissed at me, disgust laced throughout her dialogue and all my dad did was stare at my stomach with an empty look, not being able to make eye contact with me whatsoever.

So I stayed at a few homeless shelters and met a girl who had a found a job here at the club. She agreed to watch Yamilex (who was close to a year around this time) for me the day I went to apply just a few days after she did. When I had my audition and got a call back from Sebastian, who the entire crew calls Boss, I made a new life for myself and my baby.

I soon got a nice flat, living within the gates of the complex and even getting ahold of an apartment with a view of the pool area and also a balcony which allowed me to sit and stare at it all day. I bought myself a car too, a 2012 Audi A4, black and sleek. I managed to pay that off within a year, giving me one less bill to worry about.

Life was great. No, I didn't plan on doing this forever. I was saving up for Yami to have a college fund whenever she became of age and also to start my own buisness. There were many goals and plans I had for myself and I couldn't wait to become older and do something that I would forever be proud of doing. I wanted to go to Yamilex's school and tell her classmates that I was a business owner and not a stripper for bring your parent to school day. I just wanted better for us and soon it would happen. Soon I wouldn't be clapping my ass for money.

"Snap out of it." Katrina says, snapping her fingers in my face and laughing at me when I make a dazed expression. Katrina was a great friend. Savannah and Katrina were the only two girls I fully trusted, always looking out for me since I was only twenty one. They made sure I had everything on lock.

Katrina was one of the newer girls, but she was smart. Kat didn't fuck around with too many of the other birds and kept her head on her shoulders whenever they threw slugs at her for making more money than they did the entire five years they'd been here. The only reason she was working here at the club was because of university. She was studying, hoping to one day be a nurse and tuition isn't a joke. So, she saved up her money and yet still treated herself and bought things like YSL bags and other expensive shit just to carry her outfits in. Girls like Kat make people shake and majority of the Babydolls were very shook. Sad to think about actually.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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