~ You're Vincent's Daughter ~ Headcanon

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- When Vince introduced you to the clan he was pretty calm. You were pretty. That's it.

- Haha nope

- You ever watched inside-out, and in the final scene the boy who meets Riley is just freaking out in his brain? Yeah that's him.

- You were stunning, amazing, gorgeous! He (was simping) could not describe you with just words!

- Ofc tho with that E-boy act of his, he didn't spare you a glance.

- Or so you thought... lol

- The whole time this man was looking at you, while you were on your TikTok, while you were texting your friends, etc.

- Now because he doesn't talk much, or like people, or listen to people, everyone thought it was normal when he was spaced out.

- Ofc with his slow brain he finally realized, you were Quincey's sister... And he would probably have to bodyguard you

- Now his brain was really freaking out

- As if on cue, Vince confirmed his thoughts, and now he has to bodyguard you

- The whole time Quincey is just confused on what to feel.. He is being very emotional. He's happy for big bro, doesn't want to let go of his lil' sis, isn't sure if he should be mad becuz he mad protective, isn't sure if he should convince his father to trap her in a tower, and just isn't sure of anything

- But he decides to be excited.

- Tora is so conflicted rn it's disappointing

-He has NO IDEA how to approach you, so expect to make the first move

- But when you do, no matter how bad he's blushing on the inside, you will barely get a reaction out of him

- That's just how he is, deal with it.

- As you progress you get closer to each other, blah blah blah yk the drill ig


- Threats, threats all over the place

- Threat from Vince

- Threat from Quincey

- Threats from you're friends

- Threats from your goddamned grandma! (Although he won't admit it, he's lowkey scared of you're grandma)

- So yeah, he is constantly getting threatened by the whole Balthuman family

- But apart from that

- He loves you very much

- Still questions why you're with such a broken person but each time you tell him, it's cuz you lub da lil teddy bear

- Loves cuddling you

- Wants you in his arms at every second

- Playfully pouts when you don't give him attention

- Loves kissing you're neck (whether that sends you're brain down the gutter where Billie left her lover is not up to me)

- Loves everything you do

- Thinks it's absolutely adorable when you steal his hoodies

- (His hoodies are GIGANTINORMUS who wouldn't want to steal them???)

- Overall loves you, and everything about you.

- He still questions how the FAWK you're in the mafia cuz you are a literal bean

- And the threats? He's gotten use to them 😃

The end


That's it. On my page, Gigantinormus is a word now. Expect to see it in future books. And for those who don't know, the word is a mix of, gigantic and enormus/ginormus. Gigantinormus! And I'd just like to say, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 2K READERS!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH, AND YOU ALL MAKE ME SO HAPPY!!!!!!! :DDDDD

- Mama Chicken 🐓

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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