Chapter 9 [Lues' POV]

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I'm walking in the woods. I sit on a tree stump and write words in the air with fire and scare baby birds. I don't feel the smirk that would usually be on my face after watching them flap away, tail feathers singed. I know I've become a better person. And that isn't a good thing. It's forbidden ... like Celeste is.

But I'm a demon. Since when have I abided by the rules?

I turn around at a gasp. It's one of the woodcutters from earlier.

I swear loudly.

He roars in anger. I tauten into my demonic form and flap upwards with a snarl. He grabs my foot and swings at it with his axe. I bellow in pain and fall to the ground. He slides the crucifix round my neck.

I don't feel the usual shock of nausea - I feel slightly sick, but it's not that bad. I know I should fly at once before it damages me more but he's still a match for me. I lie back and try to look ill as possible. He cuts through my stomach and I let out a strangled gasp.

"Let's see you survive that, demon," he spits. I'm going to die, on this deserted hill, alone, victim of a mortal woodcutter.

At least my last thoughts are of Celeste.

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