Dally and ponyboy

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- dally cares for ponyboy juts as much as Johnny but he shows  it differently

- for Johnny he's there to protect his emotional state and  I feel for pony he is there to protect him physically  more

- no matter how old pony gets he still sees him like a little twerp

- they Met when ponyboy was vary little and pony was the only little kid he ever really  liked . He can't stand any kid under 5 and when they first met he was 3 going on 4

- dally didn't openly show he cares for pony but he dose

- pony and Johnny are the only thangs he loves

- dally never lets him go to bucks

- and only if it's an emergency he never leaves his side and only takes him to his room if he dose have to go there

- dally doesn't really care for movie but his go because he knows if he doesn't go pony will go alone

- has given pony his jacket multiple  Times  because he forgot

- only lets pony and Johnny sit near him

- pony has a tendency to sit on the arm rest wall dally sits at the end of the couch

- ones in away dally will look at the sunset

- he picks him up from school if darry can't

- keeps an eye on him in a rumbal

- whenever dally come to the Curtis all brushed up and hurt pony is the one to always patch him up

-if they were dating they cept it secret for a vary long time

- dally took a long time to say " I love you " to him

- pony likes to kiss him on the cheek after there ding hanging out

- Tim was the first one to find out

- from the outside it may look like dally  is still a mean  guy around pony but to a close observer like Johnny he could tell dally  is much more tamer and kinder when pony's around

- but it's hard to see

- dally helps make pony have a back bone

- pony helps dally to be more soft

- a lot of fights

- pony's not safe from his rathe

- but apologize  in his own way

- dally is vary protective and get easily jealous

- pony juts wants a hug and a kiss

- forces Dally on movie dates

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