Killing me Softly

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Jungkook puts on his hood and enters the bar with Taehyung, the lights were dim and the place jam packed, smell of drinks and refreshments mixing in a strange way in the place, it was not a big place but was well maintained and with lots of customers, at this time mostly people working in office visit the place with their colleagues, so most of the tables were full, the music was loud and the chatter of people too, it was easy to become a common person in this kind of crowd and place, no one cares who you are, they just want to drink, enjoy the night or take out the frustration of a long and hectic day. Taehyung points towards the two empty stools in front of the counter and takes a lead, Jungkook following behind, he sits at the last one and Taehyung next to him, blocking him from everyone else there. They order the drinks and look around.

“Is it okay for you to be here?” Taehyung asks as he watches a lady sitting not far from them leaning on the counter and looking at him, she winks when catches Taehyung’s gaze, he raises his glass and she does the same, giving him a seductive look. Taehyung looks back at Jungkook who was holding the bottle and emptying it quite fast.

“If I say no, then?” Jungkook raises his brow, a little smirk on his face. Taehyung looks away, the lady was still staring at him, he avoids her gaze and glances at other people near him, just in case, he has to be prepared, he was here with a well known person, so he remain cautious and alert while drinking to the minimum Jungkook on other hand, he turns to look at him again…..was on second bottle.

Taehyung sighs, it’s going to be a long night, just as he raises his glass to drink again he hears a man clear his throat and grab attention of everyone present there, the man introduces himself and his band, his melodious voice sounding good to ears, he starts playing piano making Jungkook halt and look towards the stage, people clap for him hearing the music, the man starts singing his voice soft but heavy with emotions, each word clear and beautifully sung by him, making people drown in the music and just pay attention to him as he sings, Jungkook asks for another bottle as he listens to him, his eyes stinging with the tears “Why is he sad?” He asks.

“It is how you perceive, does this song touches your heart?” Taehyung turns and looks at Jungkook who looks back at him.

“Do I look sad?” Jungkook asks, his eyes glistening as he looks away watching the man singing the song, tears slowly trickles down his cheeks as he drinks more “I am not” he answers himself. Taehyung watches him speechless for few seconds.

“What is it?” He asks. Jungkook avoids him looking on the stage at the band, soft pop music making him recall his good old times, his mother playing with him in the garden, their laughter echoing in his ears, more tears falls and he drinks more to ease the pain, the mother and son waiting for their dad to come to home with presents, a seven year old kid singing to her pregnant mother who cries tears of joy, the mother and son decorating the Christmas tree together and making the little boy taste the fresh made cookies, the eyes of the boy full of joy and shining the brightest, then it switches to a beautiful girl whom he loves but watches her dancing and stripping for other people with a smile on her face, he stops her but is scolded of not getting in between her work, more tears more drink, his friends who pushes him in frustration throwing papers on his face as he stands there smugly, commenting on them, the stairs where he cries secretly.

“Jungkook” Taehyung calls in a soft voice “Don’t drink too much” but as if he was talking to a thin air there was no response from the other person who was staring to somewhere else as he silently cries. 

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