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You are the wind at my back, and the sword at my side. Together, my love, we shall build a peaceful world, just you and me. - Chrom female marriage quote.

You looked down at the war table deep in thought as you tried to compose a strategy for the upcoming battle. Even though it was Valentines Day, the raging war would not rest enough for you to take a holiday. The lives of the shepherds rested in your hands, and you had to do whatever you could to guide them safely. As you were pondering this, you suddenly heard the door creak open and footsteps coming toward you. Before you even looked up, you already knew who had entered. Who else would be visiting you while all the shepherds were out celebrating the holiday?

" I thought I'd find you here. You should be relaxing, it's not often we get a day off," the man said. Looking up from the table, you saw the man had dark blue hair and azure eyes that were staring back at you.

" The war doesn't rest Chrom, so how can I? We need to make sure we're prepared for whatever Plegia throws at us. We never know when they will make their next move," you replied, turning back to the war table. Chrom let out a sigh at your response.

"It's because of that reason that makes us have to cherish these peaceful moments we have together."
It was your turn to let out a sigh. In a way he was right, the war could spark into chaos at any moment, so we needed to enjoy the times we shared together. At the same time, this was also a reason to plan for when it did. You knew it was selfish of you, but you decided to give in to Chrom's logic and relax.

"I guess your right," You replied finally. "If my commander is giving me orders to let my hair down, who am I to argue?"

"Good, you deserve some rest. I see how hard you work for the shepherds everyday. It's the least I can do to give you a day off," he said.

"Thank you Chrom, I appreciate it," you replied as you walked over to the other side of the war table to where Chrom was standing. He took your hand and gently laced his fingers in between your own.

"Come, let's go outside, shall we?" he asked, walking over to the door and opening it for you.

"Sure, I could use some fresh air."
Once you were out in the hall, you let your lover guide you to the courtyard. As you walked, you noticed the castle felt unusually quiet. Chrom had given most of the servants the day off, and the shepherds were out spending the holiday with each other. Besides the footsteps of you and Chrom, not another soul could be heard throughout the building. When you arrived at the courtyard, a crisp breeze brushed past you, sending a chill down your spine as you took a seat on a nearby bench. Chrom took the seat next to yours and turned to face you as he did. Closing your eyes, you took in a deep breath of air and let it out slowly. The lack of sleep and meals you had ignored during this war were finally taking its toll on you. Exhaustion was what everyone was feeling, you told yourself, so it didn't make you any different from any of the other shepherds. How could you afford to rest while the others in the army was hard at work?

"You alright?"

After a moment you finally opened your eyes to see Chrom giving you a worried look.

"I-I'm fine Chrom. Thank you for your concern," you replied. Chrom gave you a look that said he was not convinced.

"You don't look fine. Have you been sleeping?"

"More or less," you replied.

"My love, you need to rest," he ordered. You gave him a tired smile as he rubbed your back tenderly.
A few moments of silence passed between the two of you before you spoke.

"Alright Chrom, I will. But first, I have something I want to give you," you said as you reached into your deep purple coat and pulled out a bottle wrapped in brown paper. Chrom lifted an eyebrow as he took it from you. He removed the paper carefully from the bottle and revealed the tonic that had been hidden behind it.

"I'm not the only one that needs to keep their strength up. I asked Stahl to teach me how to make an energy tonic to give to you," you explained.

"That was very thoughtful of you. Thank you," he replied smiling. "I'll have to share it with you, you look like you could use an energy boost too."

"I'm glad you like it! It's difficult to shop for a prince that can has everything," you replied. "But you don't have to share it with me. If you insist though, I'd be happy to join you."

"It's a date then," he confirmed. "I have something for you too." Reaching into his pocket, he took out a small object wrapped loosely in a blue cloth. With both hands, you took the object from Chrom. Excited to see what it was, you unwrapped to cloth and saw a light purple colored bar of soap. You raised the bar up to your face, a sweet lavender smell filling your nose.

"It smells lovely Chrom! Thank you!" you exclaimed happily.

"Your welcome. I wanted to apologize for my earlier blunder," he replied, blushing. Ah, that's right. You had lost your last bar when you had thrown it at Chrom. He had accidentally walked in on you as you were taking a bath. You laughed as you thought of Chrom's face when you scolded him that day.

"Water under the bridge, Chrom,"you replied smiling. He sighed in relief and pulled you closer to him.

"That's a relief,I don't know what I would do if you didn't forgive me. I can't imagine life without anymore, my love."

"I can't imagine life without you either, Chrom," you replied blushing. He leaned in and placed his lips softly on yours, making your heart skip a beat. Kissing him back, you placed your hand on his cheek and brushed his hair away from his face. When he parted from you, he lightly squeezed your hand.

"Now, get some sleep," he said, starting to sit up from the bench. Without thinking, you grabbed his hand, making him stop in his tracks.

"Can you stay with me? Please?"

Smiling, he sat back down next to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. You put your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. The presence of your lover seemed to put your body at ease, and before long, you found your self drifting off. Before entering a deep sleep, you heard Chrom whisper softly in your ear.

"I love you." Smiling, you entered the most peaceful sleep you had ever had.


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! This was requested by HyliaHellscythe and veronicle, I hope you both enjoyed it! I will be busy for the next day or so, so I will try to get the next story done as soon as I can! Please comment if you would like to request a character you would like me to do next. Thank you for your support!


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