Monochromes and the color of life

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Hermione Granger is a creature of logic. Logic is all she has. With parents far too busy to hug her, she grows up with cold clinical facts in orderly lists, the world divided in black and white like the (non-) colors of her beloved books.

Let me tell you a secret. Hermione Granger is starved for conversation. She wouldn't tell you that, she absolutely wouldn't. But sometimes, she thinks that her voice is an illusion. She is starved for bright colors and bursts of emotions, but no one ever bothered.

She goes to school. All she sees is drab gray buildings and the teachers smiling like they would like to be elsewhere. She wants a real smile. So she raises her hands and hopes that if she is eager enough, good enough, she'll get a real smile. She doesn't.

Then, one day no different to others came salvation. At least, what she thinks is salvation. An odd woman with a pointed hat appears out of nowhere and turns her world on its axis.

She talks of magic and cauldrons, wand waving and sentient portraits. Hermione finally feels like she can breathe. She finds shades of greys in her black and white world.

When Hermione meets Neville, she finds an opportunity to make a Friend and takes it. She does not realize that over-eager buck toothed bookworms do not have friends.

She ploughs into a compartment and sees a redhead boy waving his wand. The wonder of magic has not faded yet; she is disappointed when the wand does not even produce sparks.

She looks at the red heads expression and feels nothing but a mild sort of irritation, because she has been on the other side of annoyance for very long.

She turns to see his companion, and and...

Green Eyes. She saw colors and felt breathless. Is this what it feels like to be alive?

When Hermione Granger sits beneath the hat and argues for Gryffindor with reasons listed, and counterarguments provided, the hat finds it all the more reason to send her to Ravenclaw but green eyes flash in her mind and the hat shouts, "Gryffindor"

she is finally home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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