The Circle - Chapter Twelve

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"You can't be serious Jenine, tell me you're having a laugh."

"I wish I was Gavin. Caleb Anderson was spotted on Lakeside Boulevard last night."

Gavin Johnson couldn't believe what he was hearing. This was all he needed on top of everything else. Caleb Anderson was the closest link to the Chosen One and he was supposed to be lying low but apparently he was show-boating himself around the neighbourhood as if nothing was at stake. If it wasn't so serious it would have been laughable, except Gavin Johnson was in no mood for a laugh. Things were bad enough with the stress of the wedding and Serena with a baby on the way and now Jenine Silverman presented him with this.

"Look Gavin, there was nothing I could do. Felix kept his beady eye on me all night."

"You could have found a way Jenine."

"What and risked the whole operation? I've got to keep Felix sweet, especially if I'm going to keep you informed. If I knew he had something planned last night, I would have told you straight away, you know that. Obviously Caleb Anderson beat you to it."

"And what a smooth move that was."

"Listen Gavin, I don't know why you want to know Felix's every move and I haven't asked. I just trust you're using this information wisely. All I'm saying is perhaps Caleb Anderson had a reason for coming out of hiding? No one was harmed in the end."

"So I've heard."

The line fell silent.

Maybe Jenine was right. Caleb Anderson had a fair few tricks up his sleeve so perhaps a little visit was in order.

"And that's all Jonny Whiteside saw? Caleb at the house? He didn't see where he went afterwards?"

"No he disappeared into thin air."

"Lucky for him."

The line fell silent again.

"I hear Serena is pregnant, congratulations."

"Thank you Jenine, I'm very happy," Gavin's words cut Jenine to the quick and she swallowed down the urge to burst into tears.

"And I'm happy for you Gavin."


"So many things are going on Clarinda, I just don't know what to think," April could feel the stress bearing down on her as she sat in Jinx's snug caravan, talking things over with Clarinda and her best friend. "As soon as I try and piece something together a whole new drama unfolds. We know Gavin has something to do with The Aurora but God knows what, I haven't had a Grayshia dream in weeks and the whole escapade at Loretta's party last night was a massive wake-up call. A Hex for God's sake and not just any Hex - a Hex used to sacrifice people. I feel like I've stepped into a horror movie."

"You and me both," Jinx slumped in the armchair and took a long drag on her cigarette, her shoulder still sore and bandaged from the run-in with the Red Fang Squirrels.

"I have to say this isn't the most positive news I've heard but still, no one was harmed," Clarinda responded.

"Yet. If it wasn't for Caleb I would have been useless," April rubbed the side of her face carefully, the bruising around her eye starting to glow precariously.

"What I'd like to know is how Caleb knew something was about to go down last night? How was he in the loop about this? Something is a bit weird there," Jinx added accusingly.

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