Little Note

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I just want to clear up a few things in this story. 

It is now around Christmas time, and the trip they went on was like august-ish. 

Hermione is the only one out of all of them who is 23, and she is in her last year of school to become of pharmacist (so she is doing rounds and such).

Ginny is 22 and wants to be a sports journalist or write about national sports, so she is starting off by working in a small newspapers printing company and has a contract with them. 

Pansy is 22 and is into fashion designing, so she is working at a small boutique and is helping out with everything around there for a little bit of experience before she wants to start designing her owns clothes. 

Luna is 22 just finished school and is working as a assistant to a plant biologist and is hoping to become one in a few years. 

Draco is 22 and is is working in a small start up company (same as Blaise) and trying to finish his MBA on the side. Him and Blaise want to set up their own hotels business.  

Theo is 22 and is working in the film industry. He edits for small movies and does technology related things in the film industry.

Blaise is 22 and is working in a small start up company (same as Draco) and is trying to finish his MBA on the side. Him and Draco want to set up their own hotels business. 

Harry is 22 and is an architect at a company that builds apartments and things like that. 

None of them live with their parents anymore because they moved out pretty quickly. They are live in apartments pretty close to each other. 

Draco and Hermione live together. 

Luna and Ginny live together.

Harry and Pansy Live together. 

Blaise and Theo live together. 

Sorry for all of that information, but I felt like I didn't give much context about the characters. Anyways, thank you for reading and I will try to have a few chapters up today. 

Also, my school starts again tomorrow, so I will get busy again and i don't really know when I will be able to update. 


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