4: torment

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"W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered, whilst pulling my collared shirt up to cover my already covered neck.

He glared at me, probably assumptions and guesses running through his mind.

I hope he doesn't realise.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Now tell me y/n, where did you get those?" He asked once again.

I didn't know what to say, our places switched. I was the one who was silent. I was terrified.

I didn't want him to find out, it would put them and myself in danger. I also can't have him think of something else as it would start rumours.

He stormed at me, grabbing my wrist and pulling it out of the way. With his other hand he pulled my collar down, exposing my neck and collar bone with fresh hickeys on them.

I saw his eyes dilate as he lightly flinched. He let go of my collar and lightly grazed my neck sending shivers through my body.

He continued to softly touch my neck and the bruises, from time to time grazing it harder causing me to avoid his touch a bit.

Though despite the soreness of my hickeys his touch is surprisingly comforting.


"It was with Taehyung!" I yelled at his face as I cut him off. I closed my eyes and winced inwardly waiting for his reaction.

l opened my eyes as I heard nothing but pure silence. Letting my brown orbs see through, it was met with a motionless Jungkook.

His eyes were a knife in my ribs, the sharp point digging deeper. Uncomfortable with the void I felt, he had filled it with an emotion he was more at ease with - raw anger. The unmoving gaze was accompanied by deliberate slow breathing, like he was fighting something back and he was losing.

"I-" I stopped as he stomped away. Turning his back on me and moving his limbs gave me a chance to sigh in relief whilst biting my lips in doubt and anxiousness.


Adrenaline floods his system, It pumps and beats like it's trying to escape. He thought his heart would explode as one of the things he feared the most was coming to existence.

He walked away from her, leaving her unanswered and baffled, just like always, in fact for almost four years now. Though it breaks him and always has since then, he still chooses this. He still continues to choose this.

Choosing what he thinks is right despite the unbearable ache he feels in his chest, he thought either way, it's inevitable.

Though was it really? The pain he was locking up in the caged heart of his, has it always been destined to endure this torment. He always thought of what could've happened if he chose another path.

Has he really fcked up? Does he still have a chance to have you not only as his good old friend -the buddy he had since when you both were still fetuses- but also to be the one deserving of your company he'd die for, for the rest of his life? Standing by each other and hopefully starting a family together, grown and nourished by love.

Whatever he's doing right now is what he thinks is best for her and his best friend which is also her boyfriend.

But no, he is a coward and a selfish jerk. Whatever he's doing right now is for him and him only, not for Y/n, not for Taehyung. Not for her feelings, unattended questions and for the empty part of her heart in which only belonged to him.

Ignoring her and acting as if she were the deadly plague, hurted him but the idea of him acting all happy and unaffected with the two together was something he could never do. It was too heart wrenching. And as he hated to admit it, he knew it was selfish of him to make you suffer on behalf of his feelings that he can't control.

For sometime he thought about the things his other hyungs told about him regarding his emotions towards Y/n.

"Yah, you love her don't you? Then why don't you go get her? Pursue her, is that how far your love for her will last? You haven't even tried to show what you feel."

"wow yoongi hyung, despite your quiet nature. You really gave your effort in that mini speech didn't you?"

"shut up jimin" yoongi hyung dismissed the grinning boy.

"But yoongi had a point jaykay, as your hope, your hobi hyung, your elderly!...." he took a small pause, making a dramatic face and holding his hands out then releasing and continuing stating his opinion, "I agree with him, and I agree that you should at least try to get ins with her! Fighting!"

The boy looked around his hyungs, Taehyung obviously not with the lot. Skeptical of what he should do and also embarrassed of the fact that he was being a bitch about his feelings in front of his hyungs.

"aren't you guys supposed to disagree and defend their relationship?" the young boy asked.

"We do hun, but as a guy, despite being friends with him, If I liked a girl I'd give it a chance. Even just a little bit. You can't give up a fight without even trying." Jin hyung, the eldest reached out to the boy's head and ran through his black, luscious hair.

"You don't know, you might end up winning"

Jungkook sighed as he remembered the happenings about his hyungs noticing the small hints he unconsciously dropped as he began highschool.

The blooming stage of you and Taehyung's relationship. Grade 7, it was.

Thoughts flying across his mind as he walked along the hallway, the soles of his shoes leaving a small squeak every time it grazed the tiled floor as it rose and flattened.

Heading to the school's dance studio where his hyungs are probably already practicing. The big day was finally coming, their debut day. The day they have all been waiting for.

How was he supposed to face his dearest Tae hyung if he knew what you and him were doing lately? How was he supposed to stay calm and focused when he knew you've been touched intimately by his bestest guy friend.

He couldn't help but feel fury spreading through his body. He just couldn't help but think what you and Tae could've done already, how far you've gone and all the possible lengths of what more can happen.

Or so he thought


She walked down the wet pavement, the ball of sunshine had already set a few minutes ago as the clouds started to take over the remaining gleam of rays of the forfeiting ball light years away from earth.

The pouring rain was like a song, it's prelude may come by as short, long, fast or slow. Just like how the drops of water as it hits the ground as the clouds start to gradually, sometimes abruptly release its stored vapour.

It then gets powerful and the drops of water gets more well built as then the chorus begins.

Hey guys, how are yous?

I would like to apologise in advance as I dont really have chapters ready to publish. I just go with the flow of the idea of the book and just go with it.

I'm not really the type to write everything then publish. I'm a "write a part then publish, then repeat" kinda person.

So please bear with me😓

Also I'd be a huge boost of motivation if you guys vote and comment, or any of the two, just so I know someone is reading and enjoying the ff.

Have a nice day/night, hope you guys stay safe and healthy :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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