Chapter One

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(Y/N) closed their journal, scanning over the small cabin room intensively as they had done millions of times before, shapes and pans floating around, that was normal however. (Y/N) had been alone for as long as they could remember, other than the occasional passerbyer. This aloneness caused them to pick up a multitude of hobbies, things such as gardening, journaling (although there wasn't much to journal about...), writing and even acting!

(Y/N) hated to admit it, but they felt quite lonely a lot of the time, and bored also. They didn't know why they didn't just walk out of the house, away from their struggles. They knew well that people were around this area, possibly the anxiety of being made fun of? (Y/N) would never know.

With a small sigh, they placed down their journal. Same old house, per usual. (Y/N) took a brief look outside, a person.


A person..?

(Y/N) felt themself freeze up, staring at the odd half human half shape. They were blue and yellow, almost as if they were split in half by these colours. (Y/N) had seen a lot of weird things in their time, just not this, although (Y/N) was debating on whether or not it was fair to call this person a 'thing', I guess it wouldn't matter, as the person would never interact with them-

A few knocks came from the door, (Y/N) quickly looked out the window, the person had disappeared. (Y/N) didn't completely know how to react, especially since they didn't understand why someone was hitting their door.

They quickly grabbed a knife placed on the counter and cautiously walked towards the door, slowly opening it "who's there, I have a weapon just so you know!" (Y/N) yelled.

The person at the other side didn't seemed threatened, more so confused "no need for a weapon! I am simply here to ask for a lily pad!!" The, seemingly she, responded with a slight bop as they stood tall, at least taller than (Y/N). (If you're tall tall just p r e t e n d)

(Y/N) opened the door fully to look at her bewildered "I beg your pardon..? A.. What..?" They were confused on what a Lily pad was, it could be anything..

"A lily pad! I need it for a.... dear friend of mine!!" She continued, looking into the house slightly which only resulted in (Y/N) closing the door most of the way.

"Well... I don't have whatever... that is.. You may leave now" they said, slightly scoffing as they turned to look at the floor, uncomfortable with the situation at hand.

The person didn't move a budge although, still smiling and seemingly waiting for something. (Y/N) looked at them with a raised brow "you can leave?? Like... get away from infront of the door..?"

The person Still. Wouldn't. Budge. At this point, (Y/N) was thinking of slamming the door on them, but before they could, a shape of some kind went haywire, making some sort of kettle noise as it hit the ceiling and walls.

(Y/N) quickly ducked down with a small scream, and the person followed. The shape flew out the door at alarming speeds, right where (Y/N)'s head would be, and went into the forest, bouncing off of trees and the sorts.

(Y/N) stood up with an annoyed sigh "as you can see, my house CLEARLY isn't stable enough, so can you please leave?-" they stared at the person who didn't stand back up, instead their head spun around showing a different... mask..?

"I&-I'm soRry¡¡!" Tears fell down the person's cheeks as they yelled in a distressed tone, laying down on the ground and curling up into a ball. (Y/N) looked at the person terrified, they didn't know what was happening!

"Are you okay???- Wh??- I-I" they stammered, not having contact with people did not pay off in the slightest.

The person began to rock back and forth on the ground "+No!¡ I'm nOt%!! I-Im so sTupId€!!" She sobbed, her voice almost sounding glitch like.

This caused (Y/N) to panic even more, looking to everywhere in the room that might be able to help, but nevertheless nothing could. They gulped as they frantically sat down on their knees "h-hey!- Y-you don't have to leave!- A-And that shape wasn't your fault!!- Please stop crying-" they desperately attempted to make the person feel better, which never worked.

"Um!- Uh!- I can make you hot chocolate????" Yet another attempt was made, but yet again it did not work. (Y/N) was growing even more panicked as her wails got louder, before a voice was heard somewhat behind the person.

"Ena! I've been looking all over for you!!"

A moon became visible, which almost instantly calmed Ena down, somehow. (Y/N) looked the moon over, they swore they've seen them before, other than in the sky. The supposed Ena began talking, seemingly back to normal "hello hello Moony!! I was just asking this friendly person here for a lily pad!!"

(Y/N) shifted uncomfortably "I-I... Uhm... Yeah basically-" they slowly answered, thinking hard about what a lily pad could be and about what had just happened.

Moony nodded "there's a swamp nearby! We can go get some there Ena!" She happily responded, floating backwards only slightly.

Ena nodded "thank you very much Moony! Oh and, you, what's your name??" She turned to look at (Y/N), tilting her head slightly.

(Y/N) was sort of zoned out, so they quickly looked at them, panicked slightly once more "o-oh!- Uhm... I'm (Y/N)-"

"Such a pretty name!! Anyhow, I need to go with Moony, hope to see you again soon!" She waved as she walked with Moony, at least she found the interaction nice.

What an odd girl..

((HhHhhHhH there's a chance I won't continue this but I will try my hardest! Also you are kinda like the people in this story (not completely human, unless you wanna be-) , so yeah-

Ena X Reader // Cabinsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن