pow is angry

16 1 0

Bash:hi guys can you me say why pow Angry at me is

All:no idea bash

Bash go to pow

Pow read a book

Bash:hi honey

Pow look bash angry -_-

Bash:ähm why are you angry on me have i wrong make :(

Pow read Always

Bash:oh okey

Bash call archer

Archer voice:brother heart i have no time

Bash:please i need help

Archer voice:say me

Bash:why is pow angry on me :(

Archer voice:oh i

Josjos4everBroppy jos:i know why pow angry is

Archer:say me brother

Jos:pow is angry want you always a Sunglasses had and you need a new look -_-

Bash voice:oh okey

Smack:bash where is your Sunglasses

Bash:at golitah hh

Pow talk with slamm oh

Bash:hi pow

Pow:ähm hi bash

Slamm oh:ähm i go

Pow:ok...where is your Sunglasses

Bash:at goliath

Pow:mm i am happy you no Sunglasses babe

Pow kiss bash

Pow:so you and i alone his

Bash:sure babe

Bash go trolls vistied

And bash hugs jos

Bash:thx you thanks you so much

Jos:np bash but poppy is angry want branch go always with gary

Poppy:is gary always your hair

Branch:no he is home

Poppy:ah really  -_- archer had you gary see

Archer:yes he is branch hair

Poppy:aha -_-

Branch:oh come on :( i need gary and you

Poppy:awww branch

Poppy hugs branh and branch hugs back

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